Why is there no content on the blog? What happened?
I’m struggling with our current project. I’m a sad sack of sadness sitting in a sad corner. It’s very frustrating creatively.
The smart thing to do would be to publicly pretend that everything is fine and either quietly kill the project or trunk it. If at some point it became something decent, we could just present it as if we had just smoothly written it. Our expert writer image would be intact.
Instead I’m publicly moaning about it, for one simple reason. This, too, is a part of the creative process. No, it doesn’t go away with experience. It still happens, because anything new is painful. I’ve even dramatically told Mod R last night that we are quashing it.
Well, I slept on it, and I’m willing to try one more time. It will not be the new anchor* series we need, but it still might be something. I’m too dumb and stubborn to quit. One more round, and if that fails, I will throw in my towel.
::raises a cup of morning tea as a toast::
So if you are out there, struggling and wondering if you should’ve done something else as a creative pursuit, you are not alone. Right there with you. We will persevere together.
*An anchor series is the main commercial series the author is working on. Kate was an anchor series. Hidden Legacy was also an anchor series. It is, to put it crudely, what you are famous for currently. We’ll need one going forward, because right now everything we are looking at is a sequel to existing world and most of them are nearing their happy conclusion. We need a vehicle to pick up the new readers and drive them to the BDH party so we can keep writing books.
Sorry! Hope today goes much better!
Sending positive thoughts and warm wishes! Life is hard…. Chocolate should help! And knitting! 🥰 Good luck!
I spent a lot of time and money redoing my front and backyards. Everyone loves what I did and actually changed how the front of my house looks. I am agonizing over everything I did wrong. It makes my brain hurt.
We love you! The joy, delight, laughter, tears, and sheer escape you have brought to so very many means more than you will ever know. Wishing you resolution one way or another!! May the muses come. May they bring chocolate….
Having also been stuck in the middle of a creative puzzle (too many times), I feel your pain. I wish you luck getting untangled and peace of mind if you do decide not to go forward with this project. Have a beautiful weekend.
And my respect and admiration for you go up another notch! Thank you for sharing.
I have faith in you. Whether you produce another anchor with this one or another one, whether it comes this year or next, the BDH will be here.
I have a co-worker that closes all of her emails with Onward! It’s a little thing, but it keeps me moving forward.
Oh, I love that!
I am afraid that I will always add “Through the fog!” when I hear “Onward!”
I have no idea why. The catch phrase is simply:
“Onward! Through the fog!”
(Blame the 70’s. I do.)
I love that too! Onward!
“Onward! Through the
Sorry I lost the…Fog! Lol
One of my favorite sayings is “Onward, upward”. Didn’t use it fast enough when we visited our 31 year old grandson last time so he said it instead. I love that he now uses it too.
Onward, upward, and occasionaly, sideways. Just a momentary sideways …
Here’s hoping you have a restful, restorative weekend.
I have a friend who uses that, too! Her other email tag is “Try again; fail better” which I also love.
At applied improv conference we also used Again! as a way to celebrate failure
May inspiration come to you. I can’t even imagine as I’m a decent tech writer and editor, but cannot write creatively. The only time I had to stay after school was in 3rd or 4th grade when we were supposed to write a poem, and I just couldn’t.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with sweat and dust and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, if he wins, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”
Sigh. I copied and pasted the quote above because obviously I wasn’t going to type it all out, and I used World Atlas because I thought they’d get it right, only to realize that it was missing my favorite parts! So, although I’m sure you already know it well, for the one who is striving to do the deeds:
“The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood;
who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming;
but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause;
who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
That’s truly inspiring,Daisy…I’m going to share this with my 22-year-old. Thank you!
Thanks Daisy! And thanks to HA for sharing the creative ups and downs.
+1 Onward!
love this! +100
This is you. +1
That sounds SO FRUSTRATING! The BDH has faith you will figure it (or another project out)! Good luck! Have some tea and chocolate as needed! It’s helps when I’m stressed ❤️
Or as Walt Disney said, “Keep moving forward.”
We like everything you write! I have my personal favorite series and that’s probably pretty average. You are much more prolific than almost any other author I’ve read. I waited years for Jean Auel to publish the next book in her series. Do not beat yourselves up over the speed at which you write or what you write. You are fantastic! Take some time to pamper yourselves. Sometimes you just need to breathe and think about what you need to feel centered and happy. Have a good weekend!
I think we ALL use Jean A as a reference point
I just finished the audible version of Magic Tides and Magic Claims, and it was wonderful, amazing, there aren’t words. But then… Epilogue… LUTHER!!! You made my year when you put him in Julie’s book, Blood Heir, but this epilogue was fantastic, totally epic, and he was so funny. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Best wishes, tea & snacks, doggy cuddles to you!
Hopefully it will get easier.
I loved the dragon’s snippet, If it helps.
A world with dragons would be amazing. I know there are many worlds with dragons, but I think with your talent and outlook, yours would be fascinating and compelling.
thank you for all you do. And keep plugging, for our sake.
+1 I feel like there’s a lot more creative movement available within that than the Maggie option since Maggie already had a clear direction.
I raise my tea mug to you and hope the muses distill all the creative juju you need!
I feel your pain. Much love to you and yours.
Some times the hardest critic is yourself. What you perceive as bad to others the work is genius.
Did I miss something? Is Hidden Legacy not still going? I notice you said was!
The Hidden Legacy contract with the publisher has ended.
Plans for a self-published Arabella sequel exist, but will not continue at the present moment- further details here https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/why-not-a-russian-hero/
I must be the densest reader ever because I thought that Michael was going to be Arabella’s love interest. (Because he looked at her extra long and the Keeper told Linus you know my price, and Linus agreed to withdraw his objections after asking Catalina if She trusted Arabella choice in men). So when that post came out I was blindsided — because wait, you mean the Russian guy was going to be the love interest? Or maybe his cousin the bear?
I also thought that Augustine was Caesar because hello, Augustus Julius Caesar (Augustine Julian).
Arabella’s series will feature several suitors- Michael from the Record’s Keeper Office, Mihail the Russian prince who is also a metamorphosis mage, and Henry Jiang, Stephen’s brother 🙂
Michael from the records keeper office and all his darkness😍😍
+1 😍
OMG, ModR – I think you pulled a ‘Gordon’ and told us something unexpected about Henry being in the mix. I adore you and wish you oodles of chocolate (because UK Hotel Chocolate is some of the best and no longer available in the US!).
It’s information freely given in the Ruby Fever release Q&A , not a spoiler as such🙂.
People were asking if Stephen Jiang will be a love interest, and House Andrews said no, but Henry will likely show up as one of the “maybe”s.
In an announcer’s voice: Who will Arabella pick? Will she pick none of them or let her family have a voice in who is the “right” one for her? Tune in for the next adventures of Arabella Baylor!
Thanks Mod R for the sneak peek. 😀
You say announcer I immediately picture Gaston!
In a large hat with a fluffy feather!!!
*Gasps* dear glory, this fantastic grouping of romantic interests are worthy of any wait time.
The only relevant action I’ve done today is declutter my work tote bag. Cripes only knows why I hoard BBQ dried lentil packets combined with Pür mints and crumpled (not used) tissues. 🤔
I’m glad there’s still a field for her to choose from and I don’t care if she ends up with Michael; I just want to know more about him. Dark and mysterious is my jam. Henry is an interesting addition to the list! I just didn’t think they’d meet if he was committed to his acting career.
It’s fun to speculate about for now and I fully understand why Arabella must wait. I hope we learn more about not only Michael but his boss and how that whole office/position works and its history. It’s a huge job keeping trials honest and stopping interference from such a large roster of arrogant people with diverse powers.
Bah!!!! Screw Anchor series! Keep going with this new one becuse I’ll probably like it better! Innkeeper has always been my favorite! lol
Seriously though, thanks for reminding us that you are, in fact, human and not a perfect writing genius. We love you all the more for it!!!!
“I’m a sad sack of sadness sitting in a sad corner.” That describes how I have been feeling for the past few days pretty perfectly. I hate that paralyzed, mournful feeling. Thank you for giving a name to that pain and I hope you get out of your corner very soon.
I just wanted to jump in and say you writers are fantastic people and that the horde unknowingly keeps me going as well! I have felt like the puddle in the corner for about 2 weeks now and it does my ” frozen” carcass, some extreme good to know that it’s not just a “me” thing! Not that I would wish this on anyone but it made me feel less alone.
Keep going on it! It’s going to be great! There will be a break-through and I am looking forward to reading this (whatever it is).
I’m hoping the project will improve for you so that it becomes your passion project again.
just in case some musical uplifting might help when slogging through a hard screen (as it does when I’m stuck on work reports) this might work.
The amazing Waloyo Yamoni (We overcame the wind) composed by Christopher Tim.
hopefully you’ll overcome your creative sadness too.
all the best
Thanks for sharing — that was great!
OMG! That’s fabulous music!
Thank you for telling us about it.
I need to go watch it again.
That was lovely. I saw in the comments that they’re singing in a Ugandan language, but it still made me think of Adeyemi (of Nigerian descent) in Wildfire, trying to redirect Alexander Sturm’s storm.
That was so beautiful, thanks Sivi for posting it.
Thank you so much for this! Sharing with our choir director!!!
Thank you so much for linking that!!
I sometimes have trouble with words. if my thoughts are in a pipe a big rock suddenly appears. I’m an engineer, and a darn good one at that, so after 8 or 10 years I made peace with my rocks. I go around them or just let them be and say the wrong word. then the very rocks cry out “No! you mean this!” and move to show me what they were blocking. or they don’t, and I continue on with my engineering with odd non technical terms.
I hope your rocks move for you this week.
I’m going to go sit with this image for a while. Thanks, Stacey. May all your rocks be peaceful.
Much respect. I wish more people who are clearly successful were willing to show that even successful people don’t just have “here’s my beautiful pile of work that at no point had any setbacks.”
A friend once proposed having a CV of failures, such as “here’s all the awards I applied for that I *didn’t* get,” or “here are the experiments I did that completely failed to replicate,” just so that people earlier in their careers don’t feel constantly like they’re underperforming when what they usually see from others is “here’s all the things that *did* go well for me.”
Considering the setbacks that JRR Tolkien reported when writing Lord of the Rings, difficulties in composition have no relationship to the value of the final work. (Lord of the Rings has been in print since it was first published in 1954-1955.)
At the risk of being impudent, we the BDH know you. We know you waver at times, you’re human. We have confidence in you. After all, we have a multi-year relationship. Drink some tea and ponder. Do that some more. That pesky project doesn’t stand a chance.
ROFLOL is your profile pic Oded Fehr? I love it!
When I feel like that I remember what a friend told me,” even an inch forward is progress” the BDH is supporting you! Relax, let go and sleep on it!
Sending all the positive thoughts and vibes your way.
Deep breath, play around with your writing, and by all means vent. You aren’t a machine (or AI), you are a gifted storyteller and the story will come.
However, I am venting about a house that looks like two bombs struck and no cleaning fairy in sight. You have a much more noble vent.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
Don’t worry about the BDH – you know we will like anything you write! Even a grocery list! Just have fun with it!
It’s our Texas heat that is making you feel drained. Do with many Texans do in the summer and head to Colorado to cool off.😀
Being in Colorado, I’m, of course, biased! 😁
We’re unusually hot as well but shade when you’re at elevation is a definite escape, as is the temp drop when the sun goes down.
Ihre Geschichten von Kate oder Dina oder Hiddenlagacy sind so toll. machen sie weiter mit den anderen Charakteren in den Geschichten. dann können wir immer mal wieder Curran oft Dina treffen und sehen wie es weiter geht. leider sind einige Bücher noch nicht in Deutsch. Also lerne ich jetzt Englisch.
ich freue mich auf neue Abenteuer von euch.
beste Grüße aus Berlin Deutschland
“The God of Falling Short feeds on insecurity. The God of Small Happiness makes you feel cozy and safe.
May the God of Small Happiness bless you today.”
Thank you for reminding me of this.
I’m always looking forward to anything you write. A new anchor series, whatever it may turn out to be, will be welcomed with open arms. Buck up. You can do it. 🙂
Your mind, body and soul is telling you VACATION TIME. It’s time for some fun, sun (yeah, I know it’s Texas) and pool time to just “be”. You guys deserve some fun. We’ll still be here when you get back.
So, here the unasked opinion of a reader from Spain. You are doing great, your books are that much amazing that people that don’t like reading in English are reading them. You are killing it!
Now, what I really think is that you have a lot of characters (from the Edge, Inkeeper, and especially the Hidden Legacy) not explored. As a loyal fan and follower, even if it is not the smartest business strategy, I ask you to give us the stories we are dying for. This will go back to you somehow; the universe is fair.
And, thank you for keeping us updated. I can’t avoid the kernel of hope that I feel every time I see a message and the sadness when I see it is not a “continuity of your main series” announcement, but I understand that my feelings are not your responsibility and that you have to follow your own creation process.
I wish you a lovely, productive 😉 day!
Isabel – (the reader that is on a Mediterranean beach right now wishing to have a new book from you guys)
I heard someone quote Joss Whedon once saying basically, “If the story isn’t working, find your very most favorite scene or character and remove it/them. The fact that you are unwilling to do that is what is getting in your way.” It works in so many contexts.
Or you could just start killing characters until you feel better.
It will come to you when you least expect it until then I love living in the Kate Daniel’s world and hope it continues for a long while.
Anything you write will be great and I’ll be reading it the day it comes out.
You don’t have to be the unfailing author to the BDH, we know it isn’t easy & we love all your efforts & candour & sharing of all the “admin” & publishing process.
Having said that, hope you make progress so you feel less sad but also wishing you have a good weekend too.
Sending whatever energy you need to help get you through. All the love 💕
You have been an auto-buy for me since the first Kate book. I believe in your creativity, talent, and work ethic. Sometimes it takes a while for pieces to fall into place. But when they do, however they do, I will pre-order it and enjoy it.
Oh, that must be a ton of pressure, ugh. Flapping my hands in your general direction to send all the creative muses your way, for both the current project and the next anchor series!
I am listening to Blood Heir again and I really, really want the next Julie/Derek book. I’d almost forgotten how very much I love those two. I think, honestly, that they’re my favorite couple … even outpacing Kate & Curran and Catalina & Alessandro. I love how they’ve grown both together and apart and have still loved each other through it all. I love how Julie has the love of all the different factions in Kate’s life, and she’s managed to learn from everyone and not be caught in grudges. It’s just… I don’t have the words. I feel *good * every time I read it, like this is what family is supposed to be.
I’ve always thought Julie decided at some point that she was going to save the world. I suspect Derek knows exactly when it happened, too.
Julie is no fool, but she does tend to like people – and she is willing to learn anything ANYBODY can teach her that will further her goals. Derek is kind of stuck with helping her because she decided he was hers quite early on and he eventually decided she was right about that. He wouldn’t have been so angry about her going off with Erra without a word to him if he hadn’t.
I hear you about sitting sad in the corner. The last few days my mind is trying to get me to think about my eventual move to another apartment place. All the crap in my head was trying to bring me down. I just took a deep breath and thought nope, not going to let it get to me. When it’s time to think about that fine.
You don’t need to be pushing a huge rock (aka the new anchor series) up the hill in this Texas heat. If you push too much, it becomes a slog. Take your time, clear the head. Before you know it, the new series is flowing onto the computer screen. 🙂
Despite our official BDH t-shirts, we can say the swear word of wait. We will wait since what you write is great (no rhyming intended).
Given the dross I’ve skimmed this week, I’m begging you to keep going. It’ll click. Sometimes you just have to keep poking at something to work out what it is.
Tip: try a stick
I believe the majority of creative people hit a wall at least once in their career.
Be gentle with yourselves, practice self-care and do something that you enjoy that has has nothing to do with your work.
As someone who just devoured all of your Kate Daniels books in less than a month, I can honestly say you guys are worth the wait.
Good luck finding the answer you can live with!
Actually, I was under the impression you had told us already that you would be going down to 2-3 posts a week, and we’ve already had two, for which I am grateful.
Thank you for your insights.
Look, we’re the BDH. We’re here for the content. We’re here for the moaning. We’ll bring the cheese to go with the whine. We’ll rally to burn down things and salt the earth around whatever is disturbing you. . . . and sigh heavily when you remind that isn’t actually necessary.
Thanks for being open about the process. It is actually helpful to know that others struggle with this and that I’m not alone. May clarity come soon!
We’re ready to ride, just say the word! LOL
I will bring the Margarita mix to use with said salt!
YES!!! Tempest has described it perfectly!
Please give to yourselves now. Frankly, I love your blogs about tea, knitting, dogs, adult children, cats, lizards, whatever! They make me smile.
Your books are even more amazing in that you take the time you need to create such wonderful and delightful books. I turned a friend of mine onto one of your books while she’s recovering from a broken leg. She emailed me at 10pm last night to tell me how much she’s enjoying the Innkeeper series!
The BDH is on your side
Please don’t put so much pressure on yourself to create your next anchor series. Write what you want. Whether that’s a continuation of an existing series or a standalone book in something new. You’ll get your new series in time, have faith. Maybe this is it, maybe it isn’t. But I have faith that we will buy it and everything will work out in the end.
You are both wonderful authors. Give yourself some breathing room. Maybe you just need to recharge a bit more before your creative batteries are ready to go. You got this. ((Hugs)) 🤗
As a BDH member and discerning reader, everything you write anchors me to wanting to buy more of what you produce!
Thank you for hanging in there – whatever it is we’re doing, there are tough spots of slogging and gloom. Sending virtual tea and scented candles.
I read your post today and thought of an article I read today about a house built in the shape of a whale. The photos reminded me of Dina’s Inn, the Gertrude Hunt. Google “whale house in Santa Barbara” for some amazing take me away sights.
I hope today is better.
Sorry to hear of the struggles! Sending some virtual tea and chocolate, and like others have said here, the BDH will devour any book that you’ll publish.
Hugs and thank you for sharing the struggle. After a handful of years of just writing and publishing I ended up going and getting a day job just so I wouldn’t have to have that sort of “what will sell” pressure on the writing. (I did not have a BDH that was ravenous for new stories.)
Of course, the day job is so engrossing writing has sort of fallen by the wayside for now…But it helps to know it’s not all sunshine and roses even when you reach a certain level. Makes it easier to try, try again.
I’m glad that you’re being stubborn about this! At the end of the day, there’s a reason there’s a D in BDH – write it and we will happily devour 🙂
*cry* no please don’t say hidden legacy is nearing conclusion. Like Andria who had a novel for herself in Kate’s world. I would love to see Bernard and Leon have books, though Bernard did find love, so maybe Leon? I love this world so much and would love to see more, even if Arabella in on hold for a while.
Though we all certainly understand if it is not yet time to work on Hidden Legacy.
Hang in there! I get why you want a new big series, but for me I’m willing to read whatever you write. If you want to do a bunch of “testing the water” novellas for fun, I’ll buy all of those too. Or… Hugh or Julie or Arabella or another Maude or or or. really, I just like the way you two tell stories.
I’ve been reading a lot of new-to-me urban fantasy and about 1/2 of it leaves me feeling like I ate a big bag of cotton candy. No substances. no growth, no depth… just surface. Fun while it lasts but ultimately unsatisfying. You never leave me feeling like that.
And while you’re working on something new, I’m buying a copy of Kate 1 for my young friend. I think she’ll like Kate’s … attitude.
Hoping you turn the corner into joy. May the God of Small Happiness bless you.
all stories from you are good stories. thank you for sharing your realities as well.
cheers and happy writing!
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
– Thomas A. Edison
Oh, Ilona, your words resonated like a gong in my soul.
Years ago I read something somewhere that some great artist said: “great art conceals itself.” I might be paraphrasing, a little, but the meaning is the same. It was in reference to painting, and oh, how I hated those words at the time! Yeah, still do! Especially when there were so many method painters on TV when I was learning to paint that would swish out a perfect landscape painting in about 20 minutes.
The general public doesn’t understand the creative process and thinks all artists, whether they’re writers, singer/song writers, painters, etc., can produce a perfect, polished product in 20 minutes or less. Maybe there are some that can do that–w/o the magic of TV editing & hurray for them–but I couldn’t when I was just learning to draw & paint, and still don’t. When I finally started having a little commercial success, no one ever saw the many junked sketches and paintings that filled my garbage can until the beautiful painting of a pheasant, kestrel, prairie chicken or whatever was presented to public viewing. There was always a time during the process that I just hated what I was working on. Absolutely hated it!
So, thank you for letting us have a peek inside your creative struggles.
You sound like one of my nieces. I remember at Christmas one year we were all up at my brother’s house, and she was drawing something. The rest of my nieces all thought the drawing was great, but she didn’t think it was. I looked at it and said, “it looks good”. All I got out of her was a small smile and a look of “really?”.
For her birthday, I bought her all the Prismacolor pencils and other Prismacolor accessories I could find to keep her going with her art. She now teaches art in Colorado. 🙂
Hi Patricia, thank you for your comment. On re-reading my post, it sounds really whiny! There are frustrations, yes, but some of the time there is absolute euphoria. As when the image of the model or photo I’m working on just flow from eye to brain to hand to pencil or brush to paper–sometimes I’m absolutely in love with the whole process. The hating usually happens about midway when my work looks (to me) like an un-assembled jigsaw puzzle. That’s the point where I decide to either keep going or scrap it. I’m not able to do this professionally anymore, due to muscle & tendon problems, but in the 1980’s & 1990’s I did sell my wildlife paintings, accepted portrait commissions, did some illustration, and taught drawing classes. No regrets! I’m glad I can still create art, even at a much slower pace, & limited amount of time. Thank you, again, for your very kind & thoughtful comment.
I am an artist too and when I’m teaching my students I always remind them that there will be an “ugly stage” in every painting. It is the stage where you have a few layers down but it is not right yet. Your brain is screaming at you that you are doing something wrong, It is not looking like you had envisioned and you are not even sure you know what you are doing! But if you press on and continue doing the things you know to do (maybe even take a few days to break away from it and come back with fresh eyes) you are usually only a layer or two from seeing a finished painting emerge. Every creative person I know describes a similar painfulness to the process. Art is not a science and “good” art is hard won.
Here is one of my favorite quotes from Klimt just before he painted one of his most popular paintings “the Kiss” and was having difficulties working out his craft:
“Either I’m too old, or too nervous, or too stupid – there must be something wrong.”
Sounds very similar to “I’m a sad sack of sadness sitting in a sad corner.” 😉
Oh Angela, yes, yes, yes! That’s all so true! Getting away from the work for awhile is just as important as time actually working on the piece. Decades ago I started a practice of working on several pieces at the same time, meaning , when I’d get frustrated with one piece I’d work on something else for awhile, & maybe another & another before going back to the first one with fresh eyes.
Do you often visualize before even physically starting something? Many a night before going to sleep I would do this, playing around with everything from composition to color, to the brushstrokes used for the model’s silky hair or the satiny sheen of a bird’s feathers.
Yes, “good” art is hard won, indeed, and so worth it!
an anchor serie…. Julie ? ❤️😬❤️ *pretty pleeeeease* 😆
Julie’s series already exists, and is a spin-off of Kate’s World. Whilst the Ryder series will continue, it is in the sequel status at the moment- as are Iron Covenant, Wilmington Years, Innkeeper and Hidden Legacy series. In order to fully appreciate Julie’s story, you need to have read Kate’s books and Blood Heir in the Ryder series 🙂.
An anchor series is something that can attract new readers straight away, without them having to do back-reading of an entire catalogue in order to understand what is going on.
“I’m a sad sack of sadness sitting in a sad corner” I feel you.
I believe in you!
Whether or not this new project becomes an anchor series, I’m sure it will be great, even if it is set on the back burner to simmer while you knock out some more sequels.
The BDH is super pumped for all of it.
Pressure and burnout are real and not great writing conditions. Just like Ruby Fever burn out brought Fated Blades (and both were amazing and successful) maybe Maggie burn out will bring a successful Roman novela.
wishing you a relaxing and nurturing weekend.
I like how you snuck in the plea for a Roman novel, sneaky! (good sneaky of course 🙂 )
Sending best wishes and a virtual inspiration tea to help your creative juices flow. We’re rooting for you both!
I’m not creative, but I hope my words still are insightful. You bring so much joy and interest to your readers, I hope I can send some joy back to you.
The snippets you’ve posted of Maggie are fabulous. I can already see how this idea could lead to several books in Maggie’s new world.
Likewise, I have been hoping for Puffles’ and Raina’s story. I know you mentioned you didn’t feel either story was “marketable” but I respectfully disagree. I think it’s previously been said, “Put up the pre-order and the BDH will buy.”
Likewise, I can see a side series of Roman, Luther and Future-Conlan books adjacent to the Kate books, if you want to inhabit a different character in your established series.
You can be vulnerable in your corner and face the wall, or you can protect your back and see the whole room. It’s all a matter of the direction you face.
I’m so sorry you feel sad and uninspired right now. Please don’t let external nay sayers influence your creativity, if that’s part of what’s going on.
Take as long as you need until you feel inspired. I hope, however, you see the love and respect we have for you, and understand we still see the bright side of your books, even while you’re in your sad corner.
I counter the anchor series with pointing out who everyone always loves more stories in their familiar universe. From my viewpoint, you have just cued up Kate and Curran and Conlan for for an entire new generation of stories.
There is new magic, new money, old powers. There is the transformation of the world as it adapts to magic, and more and more old powers claw out space for themselves. There is whatever the Feds are doing with Erra. I want to see Luther in a pointy hat in a tower acting as Grand High Wizard to the Queen Who Does Not Rule. These characters and this universe are all so wonderful. This is like a legendary epic. I would bet that many people share my feelings. I would be willing to prepay, and indeed to pay more if it kept getting me more stories to continue this tale.
Perhaps you could conduct a survey.
You are self-publishing now? What are the parameter for a successful piece of writing? What if we slip you some money on the side? 🙂 You already do most of what Patreon does here, but it is an excellent vehicle for keeping the bills paid and allowing writing with less attention to what it technically appropriate.
House Andrews don’t believe in pricing out any of their fans with a paywall, like the Patreon model – here for more details https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/subscription-to-friinnday/
There seems to be a bit of misunderstanding: an anchor series purpose is to attract new readers 🙂 and increase the existing fandom. This isn’t easily achieved if you tell them they need to read up an entire backlog of 6, 10, 20 books.
Wanting an anchor series does not mean the existing fandom will not continue to get the sequels in the worlds we already love.
oops, sorry, I commented again before I saw your post. I give Wen Spencer 2 dollars a month. In 4 years, there has only been one item that I did not have access to. It pays for her expensive health insurance and makes sure that life doesn’t collapse when her autistic adult son has a freak out.
I was trying to figure out if the need for a new series was financial or because series ending and that’s what you do. If the former, then the horde would step up, if the latter, giving it a year to see if the world settles is not a bad thing. People are being very conservative right now as they watch the world they know fall apart.
6 years I waited for Harbinger to come out. Hopefully not another 6 years for the sequel.
The BDH has said it well. I have nothing to add except, we are here for you.
Sorry about the writing and artistic frustrations!! Wishing you a better afternoon and tomorrow!
That being said –
Whew!! Was a bit worried that someone was sick or had other problems. Extremely glad that is not the case!
Other side of the coin: maybe you had quietly slipped out of town and found a soothing locale for a break.
Can recommend iced tea; if there is a universal remedy for many things, I think it is tea. 🍵🍋🥤
Maybe try a pivot and go write a little snippet of something just completely different in tone? Maybe something unrelated to anything or maybe from something your familiar with (a piece of fluff from Runa and Bern’s honeymoon or something soft between Ilemina and Helen). Just to clear out the cobwebs and get some momentum. Maybe it’s just the ADD in me but letting something that’s frustrating me backburner for a bit while I focus on something else is usually enough to get me to the next step on it at least. Anyway, you two have put so much time and energy into this already, I sincerely hope it works out how you want.
We love you, Ilona!
The process of creation is definitely not a smooth road. I hope today goes better for you in that department. At least the heat has let up some?
Something based out of Baha-char would be fun. Lots of directions you could go with that, but you’ve probably already considered it. I’m just being hopeful.
Woohoo! BDH party! I’m there! (If I were a dog I’d be doing zoomies around the room.)
Morning tea makes me think calm and rational thoughts, so I’d say if you’re willing to give it another go after all, then it’s something you need to do, exactly for the sake of creativity. <3
I will pick up your Anchor and ship away whenever you have figured it out. In the meantime, the current cargo is just fine.
Thinking happy writing thoughts atcha!
“I’m a sad sack of sadness sitting in a sad corner.” And… this shows just how good you are.
It also describes my current work life. I hate SAP. It needs to be destroyed.
Currently reading the entire Kate Daniels series as comfort reading. I started book 1 last Saturday and book 4 this morning.
+1 I hate SAP with the passions of a 1000 fiery suns. The epitome of taking something that should be relatively simple and turning it into a Cthulhu tentacled monster. For no return benefit.
And +1 that even your blog posts are eloquent and awesome.
Here’s hoping you can find some joy in some writing and out-create the sadness.
And SAP is both not flexible & not user friendly. Unfortunately, it seems to be a BORG life form & is everywhere.
The Maggie snippets have been very intriguing. We all love what we’ve seen, you love the project enough that it keeps popping back into your head. Try to find the joy in its process.
Last time you were having a lot of trouble with a book, when you went back over what was done, you found a point where you had picked a wrong option at a decision point that had gummed up the works. If I remember correctly that was one of the Catalina books & once you found the turn off the spirit, it started being fun again. Maybe that is causing your sadness now? your brain is saying ‘we have to fix something behind us….?
Whatever the cause, please know we are here to be a cheering squad, a sounding board, or a supportive wall for your back to rest upon. Do what makes you happy, even if that’s nothing much at all. Everyone needs some veg out time.
I have found in the past, if I was failing in someway I would put it away and work on something else. My brain needed a reset and sometimes it helped. Sometimes it was a failure and I discovered again, I am human. My ego got downsized and I got to feel sorry for myself for a little while. Trying, hoping is a good thing, you have proven success, it is out there…
You are truly my favourite author, I’m not the type to ever leave messages or post things but your books helped me through a difficult time in my life by giving me an escape. Whatever you do is always amazing, your female characters are inspiring and you’re just pretty epic as a whole. For what it’s worth, I totally think the Blood Heir storyline could be the new anchor series but I’m also not a famous author!
Be kind to yourselves and take all the time you need💜
I’m deeply immersed in YA right now so I’m kind of hoping you’ll be inspired to write a young adult series yourself! 🙂 I know I really enjoyed that short story you wrote about Julie in school when she solved a case herself.
Good luck and have a good weekend!
I just don’t understand why You can’t just write books and if occasionally you have something to share, post something. I’m reminded of Arabella that everybody loves so much they want a piece of her,
Until They Kill Her.
In a way, some of the BDH has become that monster sucking the life out of you!
Also, I will be endlessly happy to read any book in the Innkeeper, Hidden Legacy, and Kate’s world, for as long as you want to write them.
SEP puts out one golden treasure every two years, while one of her pack rewrites the same book over and over again with the same characters (newly named) and the same plot, same named bad guys every time and even the same traps (we’re trapped in a cave, a basement, underground in a tunnel).Even the dialogue is the same!
I would rather have one of your fresh new books in one of the above worlds, any time you have one ready, than someone else’s mediocre attempts at money grabbing just for the sake of the “Benjamin’s”.
You can write whatever you want whenever you want and the members of the BDH who care about you will patiently wait without harassing you.If you come up with a new anker, we’ll support you there too.
Can I get a + 1?!
+1000000000 😁
I am sad, I am blue, it sucks to be me, what can I do? I know, I will re-read an Ilona Andrews book! Life is pain, sometimes when you are storming the castle there is a bloody moat!! You deserve a break, you and Gordon should go somewhere fun for you, drink iced tea at the ocean, play video games on a raft. Then come back and swing a metaphorical dead cat over your head 3 times and whap your computer with it. We love you!! Take time for yourselves.
I have ADHD, and depression, can you tell? You write my happy places, I hope you can relax and find yours. We will still be here when you are ready.😊
I’m so sorry to hear, Karen! Hopefully brighter days are ahead!
I am also in the sad corner. Solidarity and care, friend. I’ve got an unlimited and interesting supply of tea, an extra cushion (no ripper cushions here!), and at least one cat is sure to come by.
To everything there is a season – so we’re going to have a sad little sit for a bit.
First, don’t even think about the blog! It’s fine, and while I think we all love it, we don’t want it to cause you more stress. Now then….
Oh my, I wish I could wave a magic wand and dissipate all of your sadness and frustration. I feel your pain! But please know that your expert writer image is perfectly safe, sharing or no! You are firmly standing in the Expert Writer category…somewhere up near the top of the list! 😁
You put so much of yourselves into your books, and that’s why you are our favorite authors: you are so talented and authentic and really care about your fans. This comes through loud and clear in your books. Knowing that the path isn’t always easy doesn’t make us see you any less as experts…if anything, it strengthens your image even more!
Also, putting something aside when it’s not working does not mean failure. Sometimes it just means that you need to get your poor hard-working brains out from under all of that stress and out of the Texas heat for a while!
You never know, you may put this aside now and decide to come back to it at some point…and all issues will have worked themselves out while you were ‘gone’! (My brain often does that!)
In any case, here’s wishing you peace and joy (and NO stress!!) no matter what you decide!🥰💕💕
Can there be dragons on your anchors? big ones, small ones, cute ones, fluffy ones and some who can even do MAGIK ooeeee lol I hope you guys enjoy your weekend
I had the same thought – whether they might be able to make dragons work.
However, I guess they will find their project on their own and realistically, we’ll love anything they write.
You have a wonderful gift of world building. I love spending an evening with the InnKeepers or the shifters in Georgia.
What you are talking about is a normal part of the creative process. I listened to podcasts that recommend taking a break and then come back to the problem. The podcasts surmise that your brain is gnawing on the issue in the background.
I am a new member of the BDH. I started reading your books in January and have binged all of your books since then! It is easy to do as a fellow Texan this summer staying out of the heat!
I’m right on the creative struggle bus with you. Hopefully, it will be a short ride for all of us and the right words will start flowing and our projects will shine.
I feel you. In the spirit of sharing…
It was a high stress week and some not-so-good-sounding-news caught me off guard during a conference call. In an embarassing lapse, I had a major Bugg moment, and I blurted out something that ended with [Oh F*cky F*ckerton!]
Thank God my colleague burst out laughing at all of the fanciful Fbombs and that the problem was quickly resolved by a helpful teammate.
I have faith in your creativity and in your work.
Please be gentle with yourself.
All the things will come together when you are ready & rested.
I’m so sorry you got bad news, Regina! Here’s to better days ahead!
Thank you for the kind words Mod R.
A helpful team mate made all the difference and all is well.
I pray you well too.
The Horde supports you, even in the winter of your creative discontent. We have full faith that the current struggle will pass. Maybe it’s not an anchor series, maybe its a standalone. Maybe it won’t be 10 books with spin offs, it will be three books like the Kinsmen with long pauses between. Maybe it’s a book of connected short stories (looking at you Stephen King). Maybe you will trunk it for another day.
We are confident that you will find your way.
Frustration is one of the normal stages of creativity and doing something new … at first, jumping in filled with ideas and enthusiasm carries us forward through all the basics that we know by heart, we use our tools easily and start throwing in quirks and changes, paddling toward our vision … but, it wouldn’t be something new if we knew how to get there, how to do it … we’ve got to hit that whirlpool, or that waterfall, or whatever the intense decision points and/or learning points are…. that we’ve built by throwing in those quirks and changes … we’ve built our own challenge, and now we need to built new tools to solve it … that’s where the treasure is, in the deep water that we have to persevere to achieve … we have to learn that new tool/piece/structure … and then it’s easy sailing again. There is no change without challenge … go for it, woman, you’ve got the chops, just hack at it from a different direction for a while, you can see the paradise island ahead.
Wishing you good vibes!
I hope you don’t feel pressured to post. There’s an ebb and flow in everything in life
Beaming Spiritual Energy to fuel Your Creative Force
heart hugs
Thank you for the uppdate on your writing! I’m sorry to hear that you struggle, but it also feels oddly comforting, since we all go through these phases in our lives. I have a question though. I understand that you want a new anchor series, but isn’t it also difficult to have so many series *almost finished*? For me, having things unfinished stresses me immensely. Also, it will lead to us fans constantly requesting further books, hehe. Wouldn’t completely finish one more series create more room for creativity? But of course I understand if it isn’t the case for you, we’re all unique and our creative processes work differently 😊
This probably needs a more detailed answer so I will add it to the list of questions- but House Andrews have spoken in the past about how new projects keep creativity alive and writing sequel after sequel is dangerous sometimes for authors- more here https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/family-trees-and-magical-doohickies/ 🙂
Wanting a new project, whether it ends up as an anchor series or not, isn’t of course a sign that the other series won’t be finished 🙂
Thank you for the answer! No, of course I don’t take is as a sign that the others won’t be finished, but they might cause a slight frustration among fans 😬😅 (a happy frustration of course)
BDH will read and reread your grocery list, what you are fixing for dinner, problems with pets and children. We will go back and reread your older blog postings, check out your pet photos, and read about the renovation projects and the weather in your area. No need to worry about losing the BDH, we bring new readers to your books every day.
Oof, I’ve been there with art projects – it’s so frustrating!! Sending you all the encouraging thoughts.
Do things like the Hugh series or the potential Julie series count as anchors, or are they just offshoots of the Kate world?
Hugh and Julie are spin-offs of a bigger world- and they are both in the sequel stage at the moment 🙂
An anchor series would attract new readers without the need for them to “catch up” reading other books in order to understand what was going on.
I hope you feel better soon. Realistically, there’s not much we can offer but a sympathetic ear at this point. We will always believe in your talent and drive, even if you need a break or want to decompress.
If you need a rest, take one.
When the story says “OK. Ready to go again”, you will know it.
I had a similar set of symptoms, but mine was just a sinus infection. I can’t offer any useful advice at this point.
Though, if you have not listened to the link above (https://youtu.be/XH6IT_tsSUI),
take 15 minutes to do so. (It wants decent speakers and no distractions. The extra minute & a half is to get back to real life…)
Sending you some plot bunnies, have a good time!
You’ll figure sth out, it all turns out amazing in the end!
I would imagine trying to create a brand new world/series is very scary/intimidating because you are bound to compare it to your existing successes. And then perhaps feel the new work should be as wildly successful.
Very very hard. And knowing all the recent stresses (roof, heat, etc) have probably tapped out your creative energies.
If I were in your shoes I would go to the beach/mountains for 3-4 days, and then try again.
Wishing you all the luck in the world!
I’ll take pictures of Tuna as content. 🙂
I think you should continue writing sequels on your current anchors. I still want to know more about the universes and peak into their lives as they overcome impossible odds.
I’m glad you are still alive. Please take care of yourself. I’m certain that whatever you end up writing will be enjoyed worldwide. Sending positive plant vibes.
Ah yes, perseverance. A simple word to express the determined application of willpower.
Stubborn. Another word that means much the same. However it is used situationally. A person who tries and tries but fails is stubborn. A person who tries and tries and succeeds may be called stubborn by their detractors, but everyone else calls them a force to be reckoned with.
This writing team is a force to be reckoned with.
Wether your current project pans out or not YOU TWO WILL SUCCEED. Your abilities and willpower have been proven. I, and the rest of the BDH believe this.
Take a breath, gather your formidable collective willpower and proceed.
Thank you for your wonderful writing. Be well.
Going through my own crises de arte, I’ve immersed myself in every art class around me that i can afford. It’s helping. I can feel the miasma lifting. It’s just going to take effort.
Do what feeds your soul. You’ll get there.
You have this!!! It’s just the Texas heat frying your brain.
As a proud member of the BDH (I literally have the sweatshirt), I appreciate and respect your transparency. It’s just like finding out your favorite singer or actor has stage fright. It reminds us that we’re all human experiencing the same range of emotion.
I hope it all comes together for you guys soon. I’m biased, however, I wholeheartedly believe you two will create that new anchor series, and the Horde will grow.
Thanks so much for sharing. Good luck to the both of you.
ooh, might Puffles get a chance??
(sorry that the current story is not going well though. best wishes, I’m sure whatever the next thing is will be great)
I just pushed Kate at one of my colleagues, who loves fantasy and bad ass heroines – I am sure when I am back from my holidays she will have joined the BDH … so here to spreading the word and gaining new readers 😉
You write it ….. we read it ( and love it) …….. and the cycle continues into infinity
Take some time, we all need a break and a change in routine to recharge sometimes .
PS you guys always write the BEST books
I know that it is darkest before the dawn and all those platitudes that are nonetheless true. however, I feel that you are too hard on yourself and are trying to make the new series the NEXT KATE DANIELS. Focus on making it a good whatever it is, and it will be excellent, because you are excellent writers.BDH will love it, reviewers will at minimum like it, and you will be fine.
Unless, of course, you’d like to go back to Roman: or a side series on Luther and the hazmat files. That I could REALLY get into. Why put all that work into a world and cast it aside? it works for star trek and star wars after all.
I saw a T-Shirt recently made for days like this, it made me laugh, so maybe it will make you & the BDH laugh….sometimes you have to go to the dark humor….
”God never sends us more than we can handle…..apparently God thinks I’m a badass”
OK. I *need* that shirt.
It was from the What on Earth site….but there are others. I typed in ‘Gold thinks I’m a badass’ in the great google & several sites appeared. 😀
I think that ontop of everything else you may have a bad case of “baked brain” brought on by “way too @#£€} hot”. Going somewhere cool and green might help (I like Two Harbors MN in the Great Lakes area).
On the theory of “a change is as good as a rest”; Would writting something completely different help? I am still hoping for the details about your grandmother who’s courtship involved a stint in jail.
In the meantime, maybe just post pictures of the dogs (GSDs y Perrito please) and cats occasionally until you feel like sharing again.
I agree about posting pictures of the dogs and or cats if you feel the BDH is being neglected. Another author I follow posts pictures of his cats when he has nothing to say . . . and when he has said something that might rile people up, to calm everyone down, because cats make nearly everyone smile and it’s harder to be mad or scared if you’re smiling.
I hope you are also remembering that being more or less imprisoned by the heat, along with the cats and dogs being imprisoned by the heat, is a pretty hard thing to cope with on it’s own. I am not surprised if your brain has decided it doesn’t want to do anything but hide in the corner. I hope the heat eases, and that the dogs and cats behave themselves (I know cats don’t behave, but I can hope)
Trials and tribulations understood. You are still the best out there.
The struggle is real! I’m stupidly stubborn that way too, unfortunately. New ideas are wonderful shiny pennies. Turning them into gold…whole different problem. Cheers!
That….actually does make me feel better. You have a *certain* author who says writer’s block isn’t real which implies that productive creativity can be forced, and that’s always bugged me.
Thank you for keeping it real ♥
Take a break. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is a sign of insanity (or heat melting your brain). Since you like video games do that for a few days create/try new dishes, try something you haven’t done before. Magnet fishing comes to mind write about the random crap you find.
I hope it gets better
I have faith in you!!!
The only reason it is such a struggle is because you are not willing to put out anything but an amazing product. I have read every series you guys have written and they have all been unique and filled with characters that feel real and relatable. So many authors write “new” series that end up having characters with the same personalities as every other book they have written. You guys never fall back on same, same, same and that takes a lot of extra brain power to create something truly new. It is why you have so many die-hard, loyal fans. You never settle for just ok. I know that once you work through the pain of creating this beautiful new world for us it will be something we can all treasure and enjoy! You can do it!
What she said.
You two are notoriously hard on yourselves. One of my very favorite Innkeeper books (isn’t that another anchor series?) is Maud’s book and didn’t you almost pull that one at one point because you thought it was no good?
I understand that we have to get more and new members of the BDH, but (and I’m sure you would be embarrassed about how enthusiastic some of us— me—are about this) we, the proud BDH are out there spreading the Gospel of House Andrews and assimilating new people all the time. 🙂
Okay, I’m trying to be funny, but people know I read constantly and they ask for recommendations and I’m always like, “Oh, there is this great series by Ilona Andrews — actually, there are several great series by Ilona Andrews, let me just tell you about them all!”
Even the sequels and series offshoots can bring you new BDH members, because a lot of readers hate to invest in learning about a new world and the rules of that world for only one or two books. Knowing that a world has MANY books is a huge draw for a lot of readers. Nothing makes me happier than a new book in a world that I already love— even if it is a book about characters I don’t know well yet.
Having said all that, I know I am going to love anything you publish and you are not always the best judge about how much we will all love it!
Rest and do something fun and the story will percolate in the background. 🙂
Sounds like you need an adventure to find a new muse. or just watch ancient aliens.
I am also a sad sack of sadness right now. This is usually my favorite time of year, but lately everything that can go wrong, has. Hugs from a stranger, this too shall pass.
I love what you write. I do handicrafts, some on commission. Right now I am not doing my commissions. I am resting. My commissions weigh on me (there is a time concern) but I need this rest in order to do my best work.
You are amazing and you do inspiring things. You are human, not a machine. That is part of why your works are so wondrous and unique. I am HAPPY to think of you nurturing yourself. Please take care of your needs and let your subconscious work through this a little longer. Whatever you come up will be absolutely amazing. Sometimes greatness requires time, a focus shift and letting go of expectations to make room for something you thought was impossible. All my love, respect and admiration!
every new painting, every new page layout (whether it’s an ad or a something more complex). they are all a struggle for me as well. hang in there, you’ll find it. it’s like looking for x in mathematics. the solution is out there
Thank you for being so real with us. Of course you can’t be 100% all the time. You need to be kind to yourself. Rest, eat well, do something you love. We will all be here to welcome your wonderful writing as soon as inspiration comes again. And it will come again!
I really like of Swine and Roses
Is that a possibility?
I love it especially when characters have humor or like Gramma Frida break up the tension, or Hotwire the Vampire and fossil fuels …
If you guys can come up with something that has that humor , thats has to be more fun fun you as writers too?
No easy feat….
Back in October, 2014, Taylor Swift shot to Number One on the Canadian charts with her latest single, ‘Track Three.’ Which was a mistake.
‘Track 3’ was just 7 seconds of STATIC. Which immediately went to #1. Thank you Swifties.
We, the BDH, have got your back.
We might tease you about seven blank chapters. But we will still buy the book. And drive it to #1 on the charts: “Notice the brilliant silence House Andrews begins with in their new masterwork, with Seven Blank Chapters, reminiscent of ‘Waiting for Godot’.”
We’ve got you. Take the time you need.
*Big BDH hugs*
Y’all, I get it. I paint. Sometimes well, sometimes mud puddles. If it feels like a mud puddle day it’s a real struggle to get paint that resembles my idea on canvas. It’s been a puddle week for sure. I hope your creative brain recovers swiftly!
Hang in there! You still post more than most authors. You’ve had a lot and not fighting this phase will hopefully help!
I love and respect the fact that you guys will fight to write the best possible stories, instead of just settling if it becomes too difficult to get the result you really want. I remember times where you told us that you were agonizing over one fight scene. Thank you so much for being so good at what you do and sharing it with us. ❤️
There can never be too much post shift Atlanta. Just saying.
Sending best wishes and blessings. Thank you for sharing this with us. We/ I believe in you.
Hope you turn the corner and find a way through – onward! ❤️
Probably repeating many comments from others, but it’s worth saying again: No one in the horde is going to give you a hard time for struggling creatively. If someone does, you know we have your back. (Although probably be careful where you aim us. We’re all savages from what I can tell.)
Onward, upward, through the fog, and once more into the breach. 😉
A random-ish thought: I remember from a post about favorite children’s books Ilona talking about Alexander Volkov’s…interpolation? of the Wizard of Oz books, and mentioning a desire to possibly translate them into English. Maybe noodling with this kind of project might be a creative “palate-cleanser”? (Selfishly I also just think it would be cool to have any kind of children’s book by House Andrews, and Ilona sold these specific books pretty effectively!)
Your books are awesome. I found you late in 2017, but I’ve now read almost everything you’ve written. Thank you for the joy that reading your works has brought me. Do something nice for yourself. Take deep breaths and listen to some music you love (I can often be inspired by an emotional song). You both deserve some rest and relaxation. Know that we, your fans, support you. Hugs!
Sometimes you just have to put the project in a drawer until you are ready for it. I make dance costumes for a side hustle / hobby but I have been stuck for months on this one yellow asymmetric leotard. I had this idea of kind of like, a techno cyberpunk piece with lots of metallic gold and silver in an almost binary pattern across the shoulder and dripping down the front. Very jagged, kind of like a broken motherboard and it’s components in metallic spandex. I was going to pair it with a pair of metallic silver leggings with more jagged decorations in gold down the opposite side. Whenever I describe this leo to anyone, they wrinkle their nose at it. “I hate yellow.” “You can’t do yellow with gold AND silver, pick one.” “Eww, asymmetric designs.” Etc. it has killed my motivation with it. I created a second design using the leo base and some floral fabric that would be very pretty, would probably sell well, and that I cannot force myself to make. It’s been done to death. Yes, it’s what’s popular, but it’s not what I want to create. So I’m stuck between my creative drive and my practicality. Back and forth, back and forth. The leo is going into my stuck drawer if I don’t do anything with it this weekend. In a year or two maybe I’ll be able to be brave enough to try anew with my cyberpunk idea. Or maybe I’ll have enough distance that I won’t mind so much slapping some flowers and rhinestones on it and calling it good enough.
Former costumer here. I love that design!! I can see it in my head. Yes, use yellow and gold and silver. Jazz, tap, modern, even lyrical, depending on the music. Or a very cyberpunk juxtaposition to something classical.
I envision a very classical dancer in a classical costume engaged in a dance-off with a dancer in punk black with red boots everytime I hear Tran Siberian Orchestra’s “Midnight in Sarejevo” on the radio during the Christmas season.
Even if you table this design now, don’t give up on it.
cheering you both on! I believe you two can do it! through disaster and on to adventures.
My go to is when in doubt, beat on the main character. Dealing with trauma can keep you writing for a while because there are so many fun ways for trauma to rear its ugly head.
You guys have lots of professional fans, maybe ask for a psychologist or psychiatrist to consult on all the fun ways trauma can really make life a living nightmare.
One of my good friends, an EOD tech in the Navy I met during my retirement tour as a Naval recruiter, is just now, at the twilight of his career dealing with PTSD. I’ve been through a lot of what he is going through now and helping him with his milestones has been a strange ride since I’ve always seen him as the most unflappable of people. Goes to show, you never know when, where, or how our trauma can strike.
Your characters usually go through monstrous things and come out the other side okay. There is always the possibility that they really are NOT okay. They just APPEAR to be okay.
PTSD is one of my favorites and also most detested because there is no cure and you have it for life. You never know when you will relapse and treating it can be very tricky.
Positive thoughts being sent your way! <3
Each of your books has been strong enough to stand alone.
No one wanted Magic Binds and Magic Triumphs squashed into a single book – they each offer unique joys and struggles and outrageously satisfying outcomes.
Did you consider a single novel for Magic Claims and Magic Clams? I would have liked more continuity between those two, but I can’t think of another two books in the oeuvre of which that is true.
Could you recast the new project into Kate’s world? Please?
Umh…there is no Magic Clams 😅. It’s just a joke based on the fact many people were mistyping “Magic Claims”.
And no, the anchor series will need to be a separate new project, something that can attract new readers without an onus on them to read several novels and novellas to become up to speed with the world and characters 🙂
No need to come up to speed.
Each book stands on its own.
Pre-quels are for fun, not homework.
Thanks for all you do.
I can’t say it any better than everyone else but I just wanted to put my support out there for you as well. Hang in there, table all the writing stuff and do something else fun and mindless. Burn out is real! Hugs to you from someone who you have helped get through awful things with your writing and this blog.
I think it’s time for a chocolate and your favorite baked good treat. I’ve fingers crossed that you’ll solve your problem and another book (I’ll take anything you write .) will soon bless the BDH.
*I am ready & willing to hop on that BDH bus to a new anchor baby party, anytime! In fact, I’ll drive the bus!
I’m sorry you are struggling. We have faith, and even— *gasp* — PATIENCE! Take your time. This is your life, it’s a marathon, not a sprint. Enjoy the small stuff and just … filter… for a while. It’ll come to you.
Happy conclusions? Nooooooo (screaming)!!!!!!!!!! Too much for Kate to do. And Hugh & Elara! And Julie (can’t forget Tulip!)!!!
On knees begging here. Please don’t be done with these. I need to know more about Hugh’s cow. And Tulip’s dam. And … sigh, so many “ands”. To slightly rephrase our beloved authors, “ we LOVESES it! My/Our Precious!”
Less selfishly, I hope you feel better and get past the sad. Life obviously can’t be all happy happy joy joy. I know. I have cancer, my cat has cancer. I start radiation next week. I have been on chemo for… about 10 months. Had surgery a month ago. Balancing my radiation and cats chemo is an interesting logistical dilemma. Anyway, point is, thank you for the joy your writing brings to our lives. So sorry you are sad. Hoping you feel better soon. I know what it is like to be sad. Mine will get worse before better, but it WILL get better. Yours will too.
Oh, man, hope you continue to do well with treatment! Sending lots of prayers for you and your kitty.
Also +1000 or more. I have so many questions!
Take a day trip. Cook up a new recipe. Knit, crochet, paint. Play with your fur babies. Picnic. Do anything different. Give your brain time to percolate. You guys are awesome. It will come to you.
I just assumed you were both happily writing and too busy for the blog right now. Sorry to hear you are frustrated! We would love a new series! Or a lovely sequel! We have faith, this too shall pass! Hang in there!
You do you. I am willing to wait for new content because anything you do is worth waiting for. I hope your day ends up going better.
I don’t comment often, wrong generation I guess. However your books/blog/art etc. have brought me so much enjoyment I decided it was a good time.
Maybe there is some things in your lives that seem so unrelated (like in my resume) but in reality you can see many ties. For me a medical background, legal background and financial advising background tie together perfectly in the world of complex claims. Everyday I draw on each of these areas for my claimants.
Maybe you have separate worlds that look unrelated in 2 D but in 3 or 4D could be so intertwined and interesting. Lay out the chips on the picnic table and see where the unexpecteds could overlap, or bridges could be built between dimensions, and bring a new, interesting foundation.
Personally, I can’t wait to see what comes next and thank you for all the hours of fascination.
We’re content with delayed content; we know it will be great when it comes. (I had wondered if the ending of ‘Magic Claims’ indicated a new arc, cut I apparently not.)
The new Fort in Penderton forest will be explored further in the next Wilmington Years book and will play a part in the sequels to Blood Heir.
Ooooh. That’s great news! I love watching this world unfold and dreaming about its facets.
I hope you are feeling better. I recently found a soft acrylic yarn from Bernat called Softee Baby Jacquards. So soft and touchable. I use it for doll blankets. Try to enjoy the weekend. Here in Illinois we have a heat index of 105 locally. Tomorrow will be nicer.
we have faith in your abilities to continue bringing us the BDH amazing new worlds and stories. you’re ability to tell a story is amazing. please don’t lose faith because this bit is hard. Anything new is always uncomfortable but if you believed it could be the anchor, then we believe too. hope the tea is hot and helpful
You are writers. You write because you love it and because you want to be loved. If you don’t love what you’re writing, maybe write something else. If what you want to write today isn’t commercially useful, so what? It’s pretty clear that you write commercially useful stories on the regular. Give yourself a break. The BDH (I am a member but with a low profile) love you anyway. Or they should.
*Raises coffee in toast* Solidarity.
I’m currently slogging through Revision Hell – my first major revision, on my first actually finished project – and it is The Worst because I have no idea what I’m doing. The pull of Shiny New Words on a Shiny New Project is strong.
steampunk , ore are World like the will smith movie Bright !
a Story whit cypher crime?
We all have to reset our brains from time to time. Something that helps me is to go somewhere I’ve never been (a park, a store, a cafe, etc.). I take a moment to really absorb the new surroundings and then, I people watch and try to see it through their eyes. It helps me get out of my head and look at things from a different perspective. Just remember, breaks can be productive in the long run. You’ve got this!
I have started many a quilt, got totally mad at it because it wasn’t doing what I wanted it to do. Left it, worked on another what I call a dumb quilt because I already mastered that technique. When I go back with a fresh eye it somehow works again. I don’t like my process of start, frustration and mad, then picking it up and making it work but I get there. Right now I’m just happy I have a solution for the 1 year stop on the turtle quilt.
Sending good thoughts of creativity and a solution for your creative hole. May it be filled with wonderful ideas soon.
Thank you for sharing the downs along with the ups! And you know the BDH is ready to kidnap more members in whatever you vehicle you put out or in other words…the effort is not in vein. Your work is art and joy and the BDH will continue to grow.
You are keeping it real. If anything it lets us minions know that even fabulous writers have $h1T days, weeks and so on. We just keep plugging and it turns around.
Does the hot as 40 hells weather effect (or is it affect, I can never remember) your productivity and make your brain feel like mush? The last few weeks have made me sluggish and unable to put coherent sentences together.
I have been a reader for the last 48 years and your work makes me laugh out loud and can make a poo day better. You make a difference and your mojo will be back in spades!
In the darkest days of last winter, I got stuck on a proofreading/translation project and spun my wheels FOR 3 MONTHS. My editors were displeased, my doctor was displeased, I was crazed. (I didn’t work on anything else, either.)
I don’t know if proofreading or translation can really be described as “creative” but it’s the same pit of despair.
I feel your pain. The only way out is through. Excelsior!
sending all the good universal energy your way
Nothing worth achieving is ever easy…we’d all be best selling authors if that was the case.
I bet your next offering will be one of your best…
A Mere Formality could springboard into a new series (IMHO).
Maybe you need a brain break? Like a relaxing trip somewhere. Or an adventurous trip somewhere. With chocolate and delicious teas.
Or a giggle prompt. Were Platypuses! Were Platypusi? Anyway, a person who shapeshifts into a platypus! Definitely gonna be even more of a WTF than the were mongoose and should be good for multiple giggles. Try getting the image out of your brain.
But chocolate is good, too. And foot rubs. You’re still awesome and we still love you. Take all the time you need.
good luck, rooting for you! if you need extra inspiration… totally randomly out of the blue… caterpillar/butterfly? butterflies feeding on corpses like in Freckles/Limberlost book? I have no clue what you are doing but I am 100% sure I will love it whatever it is and I will buy everything you produce!
I am afraid I can’t offer inspiration, but I do have TONS of respect, OODLES of faith, and a LOT of support for you guys. I am sending good vibes in hopes that you kick the “sads” in the goolies and have a good weekend.
All sympathy and support to youse.
Sadly, I don’t think we, the BDH, can help. We’re biased, write anything we’ll buy, and if we could there’d be pesky legal documents no doubt for giving up rights etc.
I will say I really enjoyed the Maggie? snippets, hopefully thats not what has you in the corner banging your head.
What about a one off Kinsman while youse let it percolate?
On another note, don’t bash sequels, 😁 still salivating at the thought of a Hugh and Elara….and no noses are getting turned up at an Arabella and Hottie.
You’ve got this
All of your writing is the best! Thank you for sharing your ups and downs…. Thanks for all you do!
I understand that you’re looking for a new anchor and can tell how frustrated you are that it’s not presenting itself. I will loyally read the new series when it appears.
But before you leave, can you write Julie and Derrick’s story?
Yes, the current series will get their sequels too 🙂, they will not be abandoned.
Please don’t be so hard on yourself! Remember– The Hoard loves many things you have put in your recycling bin. I have thoroughly enjoyed your free fiction that went no where (in your opinion!) What you may deem as unworthy, is an appreciated escape for the rest of us. We will wait patiently (haha) for you to create something up to your standards. Go at whatever pace YOU need to create the next world we can live in. Go easy on yourself while doing it!
Hugs. Hope your day goes better!
While I’m sure it is frustrating, I will just mention that “sad sack of sadness” reminded me of Conlan in his car seat “singing the sad song of his people” which was both a hilarious way to put it and very creatively fitting to the scene — a little bit of encouragement to say that you’ve done it before and can do it again — no matter what “it” turns out to be in this case.
It’s exciting you are dreaming up a new series!!
However, it feels like there is more to tell in Hidden Legacy!! Maybe a follow up with Rogan and Nevada? The Grandma was still lurking after they had their son…
Kate Daniel’s can’t be done!!! So many strings there!!!
Loved InnKeeper!!! Just starting The Edge Series!!!
Thank You!!! You bring so much pleasure to your readers!!!
If you write it. We’ll read it 🥰
I’m sorry you’re having difficulties with the new series. We have faith and even if you feel Book 1 is not the shining star you want, I doubt us hoarde members would feel that way.
Your stories have layers and depth which I understand can be difficult to plot out for a first novel, especially as it sounds as though you two like to plot out several books ahead for a “path” of sorts. So in a way, I bet your creative minds are not just trying to come up with the correct plot and layers for this book but also future books. That sounds mind-blowingly challenging to me.
I wish you two a smoother writing journey and just know we trust you. I know you’ll feel pressure for it to be fantastic (and if the snippets you’ve posted tie into this series, I think it will be), but just know that we readers also understand that sometimes it takes some going to get into a new series and we will still enjoy it. Thank you for being transparent with the struggles!
Sounds like being stuck in the doldrums on a sea with no wind and no current. Big sigh. Moving helps a lot. Example: Schlep over to a beach and amble in the dusk and listen to the waves rather than what is messing with you. The shift you need will come.
I imagine that creating a new anchor series is akin to Gertrude Hunt opening a new door. A mysterious synchrony of creative energy, using up resources, and building it…and it only can happen when everything comes together just right.
I’ve loved going through all the doors so far. It’s exciting to hear about your work, even the really hard, discouraging parts. Best wishes for you in the struggle.
Abandona el proyecto, piensa firmemente en que ya no trabajaras mas en el. Eso liberará tu mente de la historia. Ahora piensa en una historia nueva, un nuebo rumbo a seguir. Esto suele tardar pocos dias y mientras pienses en la nueva historia pasará una de 2 cosas. La primera es que te llegará lo que buscabas para seguir con la historia abandonada o te gustará mas la nueva historia. 😀
I’m learning how to paint and really struggling with a technique. In the book, Art and Fear, a student learning the piano moaned to his teacher that he could hear the music in his head so much better than he could play it and his teacher replied why do you think that ever changes? I’m accepting the struggle as part of the creative process and leaning into the wisdom of others like HA who have accomplished so much who say yes, the struggle is real and will always be there so just get on with it! I salute you with my own cup of tea!
Write what you love writing! Just because you set it aside doesn’t mean you can’t pick it back up when it’s speaking to you again.
I can’t imagine how you get your head around writing humor and comedy when the world is a mess and maybe your life is in a dark spot but you guys and your pets and grand-pets are hilarious!
Anyway best wishes your way.
I’m late to arrive, and I’m certain that the 250 comments before me include many variations on “you could write the phone book and we’d buy it.”
But the REASON we are at that point is that you DON’T write the phone book. Your books are never lazy or phoned in, no matter how long it may take (I’m looking at you, Ruby Fever).
If you don’t think it’s good enough, when you are past the point where you never think it’s good enough, then ok.
Just two things re: anchor series.
1) if you aren’t inspired by The Wilmington Years or Blood Heir or Hidden Legacy anymore, I get it. But those are STILL anchor series. Kate’s World is, in fact, currently a living one.
2) how many times over how many years have people asked for Alphas to be a series?
It’s not a question of “not being inspired by Wilmington Years, Blood Heir or Hidden Legacy” 🙂.
A new project would be *in addition* to all the sequels that are still being written, for new fans to have an easy jump point into IA.
Yes? Ilona has often said that in order to keep the creative juices flowing, they have to write new stuff in addition to sequels. So… old stuff is less inspiring?
I know they understand the business and I don’t. But I am SO much happier when I come across a new (for me) author who has a FINISHED series. The (reader POV) idea of WANTING to wait for a book every year or two is something I don’t understand. So I don’t understand needing new books for new readers.
I guess this is an actual writer-business question, although knowing the demographics and how they play out is very different from knowing the WHY of them.
Why is it that a new series attracts more new readers than an older series? HL is “finished” in that the story arcs are wrapped up. KD is “finished” in the same way (except for Hugh’s series) and anything else that comes right now is a bonus. If I came across a series as good as KD, I’d be ECSTATIC. Ten books* and I’m DONE? I don’t have to wait and maybe the series will be canceled and never finish? I get that my inability to understand is all me, but I’d like to understand.
I’d so much rather find that than a fantastic book one. In the first case, we never know if we’ll get a book two**. In the second, we won’t really know if book one took 10 years and is as polished as possible and book two will be finished in a deadline panic and kinda suck**. In the third case, we won’t know if we’ll get to, say, book 15 and suddenly have to wait 5 years for book 16***.
So why is it that a new series would attract more readers than an established or finished series?
*plus short stories and novellas and side novels/series
**assuming this is not an already established author
***and another 4 for book 18. And… sure I’m making these numbers up. Why do you ask? *whistles*
Because not everyone wants to commit to reading a backlog of 20+ books in order to understand the new shiny exciting release 🙂.
Playing in other worlds and with new ideas can be creatively liberating for both authors and fans.
I don’t think I’m getting my question across correctly. Either that or I’m weirder than I think I am.
First time poster from the land of Perplexed… Mod R explained below that there is a contract issue with the Arabella book. Our favorite Divinity of Ink Duo is having a difficult journey right now and clearly we, the BDH, want to help.
When a TV show is canceled and the fans- who are less passionate than us- are upset by the injustice, they write emails, and post about it to the Lord’s of TV finance and such.
If our loved ones (3 whole worlds of characters) need us to type instead of have blood armor….where do we sign up? We love to spend our silver on the Divine Ink Duo…we should not allow them to suffer such silly issues.
What loved ones do not have a future contract?
If the Duo needs time to create an anchor then why can’t we use our ancient pens and mystical keyboards to show our gratitude and gain them time?
Clearly there has been a miscommunication inside the House of Publishing. Why can’t the BDH help them see the path?
Yes, I also would like to send hugs, warm thoughts, cocoa, kittens, and a spa day.
From the Land of Perplexed
Hi Rachael,
There seems to be a misunderstanding 🙂. There is no issue with the Hidden Legacy contract at all, I said no such thing. All the books contracted for have been delivered. The contract has simply come at an end, mutually, and with both parties fulfilling the terms.
House Andrews have been hybrid authors for a long time (both traditional and self-published) – and then they took the decision to be entirely self published, which is convenient for them at the moment. This is by design 🙂.
It does not mean they might not return to other forms of publishing in the future.
“First time poster from the land of Perplexed… Mod R explained below that there is a contract issue with the Arabella book.”
There is NO contract issue. They bough 6 books from us. We delivered 6 books. We chose not to sell any more books to them. 🙂 Avon was a great home for HL series, but Arabella series is not going to be a traditional romance so it wouldn’t fit their publishing guidelines.
Please don’t call yourself dumb. You are an incredibly talented and hardworking writer who has made a living doing something that is difficult and takes discipline.
A friend recently called me out on some negative self-talk about myself, and it was eye-opening when she started point out how consistently mean I was… to myself.
Even if your project isn’t going well, even if it ends up as a failure–you’re not dumb and it doesn’t mean anything about you that this project didn’t work out.
Also, somehow I think that you will end up figuring it out and we will all be blessed with yet more delicious books.
I remember before there was no Kate. Before there was no Inn. Before there was no Edge. Then I read my first Kate book. I thought “These people know me!” The world you both made with each series was awe-inspiring. With each book of each series was so fun with so many things I need to stay interested and yes addicted I always knew you were geniuses. You’ve got this too. My money is on you two. It will come. It always has. If you like Kate as much as I like Kate, and Dina, and (my Lord) the Werewolf then you know you will eventually come up with something else we both love. Like the heat, this too shall pass.
Thank you for sharing your lows and flops with us as well as all the successes. A gift of transparency, and we love you for it and for so much more. Still looking forward to sharing the written words with you, but so right there with you for the drudgery points along the way.
Just successfully dragged my husband into the Innkeeper Chronicles due to the many little lines that have made me laugh and I had to share them to explain why I was laughing.
Looking forward to whatever the next adventure is when the Ideas settle down and behave the way they should. 🙂
you never know what people will prefer, but regardless if it’s an anchor series or not, the horde will consume it, drive up the popularity on which charts this lands on, and hopefully, you’ll acquire whole set of new fans out sheer curiosity (and i am certain they’ll want to explore other series). ❤️
I am ready for the grimness of Hugh2 that you warned us about a while ago. Did you say it was all plotted out or partly written? If you wanted to let this new anchor concept rest and simmer, Hugh2 might give you space for that? He is such a joy even if his Iron and Magic book is dark.
The sequel to Iron Covenant is not written, but House Andrews have ideas for it 🙂
Struggling is definitely the pits but I have the utmost faith that you will pull something amazing from your multiverse of awesome. I also know I will love whatever that is.
“But I am very poorly today and very stupid and hate everybody and everything.” -Charles Darwin wrote in a letter to his friend Charles Lyell.
Everyone has those days. I hope yours pass quickly.
Thank you for your candor. We can do hard things.
(in a sing song voice) It’ll be worth it!
I read anything you write
Please – just keep writing
Love you loads
What I like about your writing and why I continue to read is your standard for what is quality. You make the effort in the face of adversity and you do not give up. There are many authors I no longer follow.
You make difficult decisions. You redeemed Hugh, I thought is was a mistake, but I read it, enjoyed it and I want to know the why, how and where of his kid picking up that cow. You turned Hugh into a multitasking parent and made all parents see his and our own humanity.
Everything is going to be okay, no matter what happens you will cope with it.
This counts as content. You got this! You’ve done it before, you can do it again.
When I struggle with my career I start thinking about making $26/hr serving school lunches down the hill. Summers off, 2 weeks @xmas… Good luck!
Sounds frustrating! Hang in there!
On a brighter note I’m greatly enjoying the graphic audio dramatized adaptations on audible of Innkeeper and the first couple Kate books! I purchased them just to fill commute time but now I’m doing my makeup and dishes listening to the stories as well. Unexpectedly delightful for books I’ve already read multiple times:)
I have something I thought I’d share with you to bring a bit of good laughter. Search on YouTube for “MidTown Spider Farm”. The first link should be to the Barbershop Harmony Society’s video. My recommendation is to watch it first without any further background and just enjoy the tones, the harmony and the comedy.
After you have watched it the first time it will be obvious that there are many “In” jokes that as a first time watcher you will not get. In the words below the video there is a link to a playlist of other barbershop songs that are part of the “In” jokes. I recommend after you watch those videos that you then go back to the YouTube search and watch the version of the video by Jason Fieler titled “new best performance in barbershop history! (FULL TRANSCRIPTION + EXPLANATION)” because he shows the video but also includes the music score with the words and also explanations for all of the “In” jokes, more than you can get from just watching the playlist.
I have watched this over and over and each time I am in awe of the mastery that they have of their craft, just as I am in awe of your mastery of your craft! It is no wonder that they won the competition. I hope that you enjoy this little bit of fun and that it gives you a good laugh!
sorry but that makes me think way back when as kids we would tell someone to
‘point at your head and say the abrevation of mountian.!”
and then we would all laugh when they did it
no worries empty anything just gives you more room for “more” “new”
it’s all good
I was going to say, go for a walk, look for inspiration. But, it’s Texas, in July, I don’t want to read about scorching heat and possibly demons so…go on a knitting binge and let your mind wander about for awhile.
hi! quick question. is there a family tree or some kind of visual that helps with the innkeeper characters? also, in the contact you section with the technical questions/concerns, I couldnt find a submit button.
Hi Faye,
You have to fill in the Antispam question “Roses are read, violets are” with “Blue” and the captcha and a submit button will show up.
There is a helpful gallery for the most recent Innkeeper here https://ilona-andrews.com/innkeeper-chronicles-books/#soth. I am here to answer any other character questions 🙂
You are amazing. Keep your head up, take a much needed vacation, and keep on keeping on…
Thank you for sharing and validating the struggles of others. Just remember to be as supportive of yourself as you are of others. We, the BDH, will wait quietly (not so much) rereading everything.
Dear Ilona
ah, the brain is may be thanking you to have space to fool around doing unconscious association of ideas or just neuronal mismatch
your world creations and rich characters help me in the most darkest of moments. they make me fly away and help my brain recover for another dose of social interactions
i was so hooked with the short story of the dragon rider in a seemly new world. a small snipet that left me full of wonder and curiosity
i have faith in you
I know you are juggling a lot, but I do have a question and comment. I love the GraphAudio adaptations and am wondering it there will a Sweep of the Heart?
Hi Laura, Nora and the team at Graphic Audio are busy at the moment adapting Kate Daniels series- they have a very intense schedule of roughly a book every two months 🙂.
There will be an adaptation of Sweep of the Heart, but it doesn’t have a date yet.
Maybe the Onward Sideways will work for you. Onward to give you insight to finish up all those pesky strings still hanging with Maud and Arland, iron and Magic, and Blood. Sideways to give you a glimpse of what your new anchor could be!
Blood Heir, Not Blood. Oops.
You are wonderful storytellers … we will happily sit by the fire and listen to your tales … any tales … best wishes for reaching the other side of the hump (or mountain)