Still editing Maggie. Mad respect to Stephanie, our editor, for sticking with this and seeing the potential there, because right now I’m slightly embarrassed at having turned in such crappy draft before. Onto more important matters. Microsoft snuck AI into the latest version of Word. By default Microsoft sits there and scans all of your
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The BDH Book Recommendations MegaPost
We’ve heard you loud and clear: w*iting p*tiently for the next House Andrews offering would be a lot easier if the Horde had new books to devour in the meantime. Please help your fellow bookworms, and post your book recommendations and/or requests for book suggestions in the comments. Most people seems to be looking for
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63 Squares
How it started: How it was going: How it is: 2 months, 63 squares, two unravelings because of the poor joining decisions, 8 balls of yarn imported from UK. Kid 2, showing her new blanket to her boyfriend: This is my mother’s love. Mmm, so soft. Worth it.
We Will Endure
It’s election week in US. The election coverage is inescapable. It’s everywhere: at work, at the grocery store, at a gas station, in your neighborhood. It’s on social networks. It’s on TV. It’s in your text messages, bombarding you with demands, assuring you that there is still time to volunteer and donate, and badgering you
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Signs of Life
Dina: Welcome, everyone. Please help yourself to the tea and cookies. Curran: Question – why are these cookies shaped like little beer barrels? Dina: Our chef watched a documentary on St. Bernard dogs who rescue people from avalanches. Apparently there is an urban legend of them carrying small kegs of brandy to warm up people
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The Netherrealm
Yesterday, a man pointed at my Ouija board pinafore costume and asked me whether I “worked there”. I laughed dismissively “Yeah, pal, at the Great Beyond”. Now I recognize him for what he truly was – an unsung modern age prophet. Because this post truly comes to you from the Other Side. PSA: if you
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A’ Trickin’ and A’Treatin’
BDH twists on popular urban legends! The Babysitter and the Clown When Arabella emailed the Mod R inbox for a coffee meetup, I didn’t think much of it. A casual catch-up between the two of us wasn’t unusual, and I got used to her “I’ve got something hilarious to tell you” tone over the years.
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Halloween Bash
Fabulous idea that is fabulous: While we’re having fun . . . Could we have a post next week where we speculate how various House Andrews characters (and Steve) would celebrate Halloween? Who dresses up as what . . . Who gives out the best candy . . . Who keeps the house dark and
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Mission Nav-possible
Conifers rose like black candles in a demonic mass, the heady scent of pine intoxicating and thick. Only the soft whisper of falling snowflakes punctuated the silen… “Are we there yet?” …punctuated the silenc… “For the LAST time, it’s the Grueling Field, then the Evening Forest, then the Glades of Remembrance!” …punctuated the silence of
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Disappointed Every Time and Cozy Anime
Muhahahahaha! To make up for this horrible sentence, I have a slice of life anime to recommend to you. I don’t know why I haven’t come across it before, but if you want something cozy without lots of fighting or political intrigue but with magic and interesting relationships, check out Dahlia in Bloom This was
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New Mozart, Fat Bears and Jarcuterie
“Editing Maggie. There is no life. Only the edits. It’s Maggie all the time. All Maggie.” Thus spake House Andrews this morning. I do know for a fact they are also preparing a serialized Wilmington 3 to debut for the Horde around the winter holiday season, but their workload does mean you get me on
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The Struggle
I am stuck. I’m stuck, I’m stuck, I’m stuck. There is a problem that we need to fix in Maggie. I know where I’m going and I have no clue how to get there. I know I’m in trouble because I can’t even clearly articulate what the problem is. I just know that there is
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