Innkeeper is coming to you later today. It’s almost finished, but we got the first sketch from the cover shoot and it derailed us a little bit with its hotness and we had to have some phone calls to discuss it and oooh and aah. So heads up, looking at the afternoon. And no we
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Innkeeper later in the day
The chapter is written, but we were a bit late on it, and it’s gone to proofreaders about an hour ago. Will post tonight. Stay tuned.
Happy Holidays!
We have finally moved in the day before yesterday. We are still in boxes, but we do have something for you.
Maud Goes to Arland’s Planet
We are moving so we may not be online starting Saturday. We hope that internet access will be restored early next week, but you never know. While we are gone, the lady above needs a title for her novella, in which she and her daughter will be going to Arland’s home planet to meet his
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Mysterious Painting – Revealed
CLICK ME! I am going to nitpick and complain about practicality of the swords, feet, rocks, etc. The cover isn’t meant to 100% represent weapons and armor. It’s meant to deliver a powerful dynamic image that will sell the book and Doris knocked it out of the park. It’s a stunning image.
Sweep in Peace and One Fell Sweep Coming To Germany
Dear German readers, we just got this awesome email from our agency: AmazonCrossing will be translating and publishing SWEEP IN PEACE and ONE FELL SWEEP. 🙂 They said “All of our team like the INNKEEPER CHRONICLES very much and we would like to help grow the author’s global reach.” Looks like the further two adventures of Dina
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Schedule Questions
I’m cleaning out the email box. 🙂 Here are some answers to frequently asked questions. Will there be more in Hidden Legacy or will the trilogy end the story? The trilogy reaches a satisfying conclusion – we hope – but we left the door open for more books. We would love to do more, because
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Clean Sweep Available on CreateSpace
Clean Sweep, dead tree version, is now available on CreateSpace. It will soon pop up on Amazon as well. Before I link it, I wanted to make it absolutely clear what this edition is. It comes with the following warning: ***Notice: This is a special Collectors Edition, trade-paperback volume, which includes Black and White original
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