First, we will be at Romantic Times Convention in Atlanta on Thursday and Friday, but we will not be at the Book Fair on Saturday. We are mainly there to get a Career Achievement Award in Urban Fantasy. Flattering beyond reason and a little odd, since we’ve only been publishing for ten years. We will
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Shotgun or sniper rifle?
Notes from the previous posts: when I said that you, as readers, have to decide what you buy, I meant that you have to decide it for yourself for each author. 🙂 This wasn’t necessarily a criticism of series model or any particular author. It was a hypothetical in response to a reader’s question. Some
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Cheap, Fast, and Good
Question: I seems like many authors I’ve found in the last few years are moving toward series that have shorter page count per book and maybe one or two “filler” episodes so that the reading experience feels more like watching TV shows. These authors seem to throw out 3-5 books a year in multiple series.
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Kisscon Tonight in Austin
Please don’t forget, tonight we will be at Kisscon in Austin with a bunch of other cool people. If you bought a VIP ticket, it starts at 5 pm. If you bought a general admission ticket or don’t have a ticket, it’s at 7:00 pm. More information here. When you guys come to some sort
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Exciting announcements!
Heh, you thought there was something good in this post. There is not. Okay, so maybe the little bit of excitement. Let’s take these one at a time. Erika Tsang liked Wildfire. She said she liked it a lot, especially the frying pan. The edits are coming back to us sometime later in the week,
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We will be at Duke on February 9 and 10th.
Duke University invited us and a bunch of much cooler people to talk about gender, feminism, and romance novels. Gender, Sexuality, Feminism and the Romance Novel Friday, February 10, 2017 – 2:00pm We will present a panel of best selling authors in romance novel writing: “Ilona Andrews”(husband-and-wife writing team Ilona and Gordon Andrews), Eloisa James,
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Will you just wait?
One Fell Sweep has been out for less than a month. We don’t even know how many units have been sold yet. Will you please, please ease up on the Innkeeper IV emails? 🙂 We’re trying to finish Hidden Legacy 3 – in the final chapters now – and once we are done, you know
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On the Job of Writing, the Oddness Of.
This is what it’s like. The last 24 hours or so, most of it today. This post is meant for entertainment purposes only, and attempts to get into political fights will be squashed. Me: Hi, Grace? Grace: Yes? Me: Hey, so we’re having a slow moving chase down I-10 with a magical tiger. I know
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