I don’t understand all the tenses… No worries, let’s clear this up. POV, point of view, is the perspective from which the story is told to us. It is characterized by three things: person, distance, and tense. Person POV can be first person, second person, or third person. First person First person uses pronoun I.
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Present Tenses and Unhappy Endings
I wonder about how more and more books are being written in the present tense. I have a hard time getting into something written that way. Past tense is where it’s at for me and I’m so glad you write that way. Maybe I’m just getting old, but what’s up with that? I’m not sure
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Comfort Read Winner
Happy Friday everyone, Mod R here! I’ve had a lot of fun reading all your answers to the Comfort Reads giveaway. I now want to do All The Rereads, which is very timely, because winter holidays are my Kate Daniels period. There is something so perfect about those liminal days between Christmas and New Year
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Magic Bleeds and Bloopers
GA Magic Bleeds is out on Audible today (and all other retailers). For those who don’t know what GA does, they turns books into audio plays – each character is voiced by a different actor and there are sound effects. It is my favorite way to listen to audiobooks now. I am addicted. Highly recommend.
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Comfort Reads
A post about BDH’s favorite scenes and a small giveaway.
Happy Friday
I hope those of you who celebrate had a lovely Thanksgiving. Ours went well, peaceful and happy, with kids and friends. The Cajun turkey was predictably amazing. You are supposed to warm it up on a wire rack with the liquid juices it came with. Instead I poured some apple juice into the pan, and
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Small Magics Audio is Legit!
The Small Magics audiobook you received an email about this morning is official, legitimate, and produced by House Andrews! And there is also a hardcover format launched at the same time- now is the moment to complete those pretty shelves! Order links: Amazon | Audible | Kobo | Apple Books | B&N | Libro.fm Ilona
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Rambling Monday: Maps, Names, and Weed Eaters
The edit of Maggie has landed in my Inbox, which means today will be all editing, all the time. What you see above is a work in progress on the map of the city. Becka is ridiculously talented and she has put up with all my insane edits. We are trying to figure out a
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Corporate Agility
We are waiting on the edit of Maggie, and as I explained to my therapist yesterday, everything is too hard. Folding laundry? Too hard. Going for a walk? Too hard. Driving? Definitely too hard. However, some signs of brain activity are returning, so here is a tiny scene for you. “As you know, Maria, the
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Truth Hurts
Reminder for Ilona Andrews Book Box
This is your scheduled reminder that the Ilona Andrews Special Edition Box goes live on preorder from Arcane Society tomorrow, November 15: If you click on it now, it will prompt you for a passcode. This is because it is not live. I know some people were confused- we have to w*it until tomorrow. I
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