The good news: We fixed the issue that was giving us trouble with the current draft.
The bad news: We fixed the issue that was giving us trouble with the current draft.
The blog is getting about 25% of my brain power, because the rest is going into plotting scenes and conversations. This is probably going to be a book. Wasn’t sure there for a bit, but it’s looking like it.
This is a pretty dark project. People get killed, there are references to child abuse, murder, one of the characters is a rape survivor, etc. To no one’s surprise, it’s also funny in parts, because that’s the nature of our writing.
It’s another world fantasy but it’s not grimdark in tone. Grimdark tends toward bleak and hopeless, while this one is more of “rally and win.” So on the milder side of Game of Thrones but on the grimmer side of a Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves.
The project has a natural break about 30% in, so we are considering serializing that first part with all the content warnings we can slap on it.

On the same subject, we are looking for a cover artist who could make a cover that would look something like the cover on the book image below.

We are bucking the current cover trend here, but it needs to be as old school epic fantasy big f***ing brick book thick enough to kill someone as we can get it. No people, just that very classic ornate cover.
It can be a vector cover like The Fourth Wing, as long as it has that old time mystic book feel. If you know of any artists who are working in that space, please leave your recommendations in the comments. We are not looking for photomanipulation artists or AI-generated images at this time, but more for someone who can draw that dragon on the map above.
Off to write, love you, bye!
Oh yes yes yes please!!!!!! I would read this in a heartbeat, serialized or not (whatever for at you Authorlords want).
+1. Add a serve of bacon for snacking.
+1 and I would make you Honey Glazed Applewood Smoked Barryhill Bacon
They prefer “House Andrews” not authorlords 🫶🏻
Yes!!! mmm bacon
I remember them saying that also. HA is preferred.
Yes! Looking forward to this new work! I enjoy everything you write and re-read all the time. Dragons! Oh my! Thank you for all you do. Sending good thoughts and hope for a relaxing, joyful weekend. You both are the best! I’m sorry no artist suggestions….just had to say hello.
Of course we’d read it!!!!!
voted yes, but with bacon as an option it was a near thing.
I was so excited about this I didn’t even see the bacon option. And I love bacon…
Me either!
Yes! I want the serial *and* bacon (but I will take the serial over bacon if I have to choose).
Agreed, I can make my own bacon!
Yes please! 😁
I know right!?? I was like obviously my answer is yes but I REALLY want to press bacon….
Did press Bacon…
Yes. This. Richard gets it.
Yup, my eyes lingered on the bacon too!
I chose the bacon option because, while I will very excitedly read the first few installments, I’ll start to lose my mind during the wait so I’ll stop reading completely until the book comes out. This I know from multiple Innkeeper experiences. So the only choice is … bacon. 🙂
We are the BDH. We will devour any content the authorlords see fit to serve us.
I resent not being able to also pick bacon though.
I DID pick bacon also — it allowed me to pick two things. Serialized book WITH bacon … Mmmmn.
As did I, though I would never eat bacon while reading lest I get grease on the book.
Ha! Me too.
Me too! Yes and bacon!
Mmmmm. Bacon. I almost picked that one because, bacon.
But, why can’t I vote for yes and bacon?
Thank you! My thoughts exactly. There should have been Yes & Bacon or Yes – but no Bacon (which sounds stripped down)
Yes I’d read 🤓
I did vote yes and bacon. Cause bacon
Modern covers are boring. Lead with a classic style of cover.
Quite right
I was so tempted to vote for bacon…..mmmmm, bacon…. but I’ll read anything you guys put out, any time, any way.
I love you, House Andrews!!!!
I’ll buy Maggie. I’ll read it as a serial. I’ll read it here, I’ll read it anywhere.
Even with green eggs and … bacon!!!
No green eggs. Green eggs happen because sulfur in the yolk was overheated.
or you added for coloring….
we read it here, we read it there, the B D H reads it every….where🎵
B, not N, my kingdom for a B…
😉 fixed
Who is this blasted No…per…son!!!
(I love The Scarlet Pimpernel.)
I’ll read it on the bus…come on Horde you know where I’m going with this, (hint Green eggs…)
…I’ll read it to a Gus.
I’ll read it in the rain,
I’ll read it on a train.
I’ll read it with some tea…
…I so could, so would, read it on a boat.
I will too, will too, put it in my coat.
I would read it in the rain.
Not in the dark! Yes in a tree!
Even in a bar! You let me be!
Love a no people cover – hope you find someone to create one for you! ⚔️ 🐉
I would LOVE to read this anyway you write it, a serial included.
Now about your poll… Any poll where you need actual results, please do not include the option to pick Bacon.
I know you are joking, heck, even my dog (and I don’t have a dog, I mean my ZMom’s dog) know you are joking. And I really wants to use your pill to tell you the serial sounds great! But, mmmmmm, bacon, Bacon. B A C O N. Nom nom nom.
My brain is short-circuited, my microwave is filled with the odor of bacon grease, and all I can do is choose: bacon.
Bacon, bacon, bacon.
PS. In your new serial, perhaps you could include a scene where people eat bacon and are happy.
Say, just before a House Andrews version of the Red Wedding scene. That way when you kill them all, at least we will know they all died happy. With bacon.
The Horde’s proclivity for bacon is well documented :D.
Consider this: if we were limited to just Yes and No answers, we would be breaking the internet with the sheer intensity of our YESSSSSSSSSS! GIMME! WORDS WORDS WORDS! OMNOMNOM! DEVOUR!
Oh, the deviousness of the poll! Distract us with bacon just to save the internet!
I actually voted bacon, but I really wanted to pick yes. I will read and buy it however you decide is best to give it to us, so I went with the tasty choice. 🥓
Glad you got your problem sorted out! 🤗
I’m just sad I couldn’t choose both yes AND bacon!
Whoot! Chiee! I am so glad my kids gave me one of your books for Christmas!
Thank you both for liking your jobs so much!
I couldn’t choose both Yes and Bacon 🥲 Of course I choose Yes!! Already ate bacon for breakfast today anyways 😉
I love how so many people want to have the serial and eat their bacon too! ;D
haha 😆
Haha Stacey. Best answer yet. Well done.
Oh no, the horde has been unleashed.
It was the scent of bacon that did it 😂
Yes yes yes to reading Maggie in any form.
Also, now I want bacon.
Here is a talented artist you might enjoy – https://www.instagram.com/gibson_jonah/
I know he has done more fantasy that what he has posted.
Omg yes yes yes, please serialize!
I take it fixing one problem created seventeen more hehehe? Par for the course in my life. Some dark is fine by me! Realistic but not hopeless is my thought. GoT lost me at end of first book. I could see what was coming and just couldn’t hack more. May or may not try it again some time.
Hang in there! So looking forward to Maggie!
I voted yes but I really wanted to also vote bacon.
I was eating bacon as I voted
I’d read a phone book if I knew it was penned by you two. Just sayin’.
And might I suggest wegotyoucoveredbookdesign.com – I’ve worked with Molly for several years now and she can virtually do anything.
We told them we’d read grocery lists if they wrote them. They did, you might recall. One from Kate, one from Curran, and one from Jim.
I love that Bacon got more votes than No.
+100!! 🥓🥓🥓
What i want to know, is who said “no”. Unless it was for “no, we wait until the book comes out, so we can be surprised”
Now! Gimme now!!!!
That’s exactly the “no” reasoning 😅. We can’t wait week by week!
Well, many people refrain from reading about dark themes such as child abuse and rape…
I’m sad I couldn’t also pick bacon because…BACON. But “yes” got the vote.
I love the old fashioned covers. They are still popular here and there and they’ve always been a favorite of mine. They remind me of grimoires, of a treasure find and a treasure hunt. The thing about them is that you can stare at them and imagine all kinds of things.
Please keep writing what you love.
I’ll keep an eye on my twitter because that is where I follow artists. There are a number of them with great talent and several looking for work right now. If something pops I will send in link!
your poll allows multiple choice
No 🙂 . Or rather: No 😈.
You are a cruel cruel person 😭😭😭
hahahaha…so silly to even ask.
Hey, do you want ***YES, GIVE IT TO US!!!****
This is wonderful news! I am only one of the many who are delighted that you fixed the problem.
can we please have a scene where Maggie eats bacon? that would soothe my anguished pollster soul…
Maybe bacon will make a cameo like clams did in Magic Claims.
How is that even a question? 😀 all the serials, even if only a part.
I will eat bacon while reading the serialized story. 🤣
I would at least start it, the darkness doesn’t bother me, but there are some other things that do, and since I am alone (or mostly ) in those things I’ll not spell them out here
We all have them! I can’t take things that are too dark for too long and then I have a list of “NEWP” skim over/skip over. Sometimes it is bad enough that I have to shelve the book for good. We all have our triggers and work with them in our own way!!!
I voted yes to the question. I was thinking we could’ve had the answer “yes, with bacon”, but oh well. 😂😁
I wanted to vote “bacon”, because BACON but it had to be “YES”! 💜
I’m looking forward to reading Maggie. As for an Artist, take a look here at this sampling: https://www.instagram.com/firerinart/?hl=en !
I cannot imagine you will get many “no” responses. But probably a few “Bacon”. Mmm…bacon.
I enjoyed Maggie and the previous snippets you posted about a mysterious sword-woman. I have loved all of your works, and so appreciate the interaction you both have with the members of your horde.
Thank you thank you thank you!
I’ve received some tear-stained emails from people forced to chose “no”, because they couldn’t imagine waiting before finding out the rest, and knew they wouldn’t have the discipline to not read at all. #TheStruggle #ItReal
I never read any of the serialized stuff until Sweep of the Heart, and then found that I LOVED it. Waiting is the pits, yes, but one of the best parts is reading the comments of the rest of the BDH. A startling amount of the rampant speculation had never occurred to me, so that added to my enjoyment. And of course we all bought the final product, given that the Frinnday weekly was incomplete.
I find myself wondering if any of that speculation affected the work-in-progress. I remember years ago, when the Wheel of Time series was nowhere near finished, and there were entire websites (several of them) filled with theories of things happening in the books, I couldn’t help but feel that having that argus-eyed audience ACTIVELY participating in guessing “what happens next” changed a few plot lines. Taim = Demandred being the most blatant one.
I picked bacon 🥓 because there are pros and cons to both yes and no and my brain was like well bacon is simpler. Excited to read something new and like how you calibrated between G o T and D&D…
So bacon! But yes, yes yes to the serial. I am glad you overcame the block/wall/blank mind.
Bacon is why I could never be a vegetarian. But I STILL voted YES! I am so glad that it will not be as dark as GOT. That series just depressed me (not that stopped reading it).
Thanks for the new book! I am SO looking forward to it!
I would read everything you write, multiple times, and I do! I also listen to each and love everything to pieces! Lots of tough stuff going on, so it is beyond awesome to have Kate and her posse and Rose, and Maude to keep up with!
I’ d love to read it!
Of course, yes! Now I am off to make breakfast now including bacon! Sheesh!
I was so surprised by the question because I was thinking, Anything you give is awesome! Thanks ever so much! I love you both and don’t even know you. I can get so into your books and characters. I really like Kate and her ethics. Makes me want to try harder too. Thanks again and please don’t let critics bring you down. Your books are so original, so top notch on writing, that I personally would love to have a fraction of your story telling ability.
One of the things I’ve always loved about HA books was how the ethics came through.
Excited! Exciting! Excitement No further words
Fan girl here. I’ll read your writings any day, any time.
I’d rather to read ‘the book’ I tend to forget things from one post to the next..
During the serialization, especially if I was going to write a post in the comment section, I would re-read quite a bit of it to refresh my memory (and make sure I didn’t make a stupid mistake). Boy, did I do a lot of re-reading… And thoroughly enjoyed it. 😀
So hard not to choose bacon, but definitely yes.
There is a kids game in Polish where you have to answer “pomidor” (tomato) to every event silliest questions. Well, it is “Bacon” from now on 😁
Maybe You’d like Piotr Sokołowski’s art. He is the author of the newest cover for Polish od Darkfever by Karen MarieMoning
Darkfever’ s cover has some of your demo picture vibes .
Yes! Sounds brilliant!
(Also possibly too complex, but could you release it as a serial magazine, like a comic book with no pics, and the BDH as paid subscribers?So we can pay you for your work!!)
Hey Maura,
Hope you’re well! Long time no speak *hugs*.
House Andrews have discussed the matter of paywall for blog fiction and serials and they’re not comfortable excluding fans who couldn’t afford it 🙂 – https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/subscription-to-friinnday/. The best way to support them is buy the books from retailers or borrow from the library when it’s published- and of course leave reviews and tell your friends about them 🙂
Was difficult choosing between yes and bacon. I waffled a bit but choose yes 😁
This all reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend.
Me: “Dave, you can’t eat that!”
Dave: “Why not?”
Me: “Because it has bacon in it.”
Dave: “So?”
Me: “Aren’t you Jewish?”
Dave: “Not about bacon.”
Sounds like a friend of mine, whose favorite post-Passover meal was a bacon double cheeseburger….
O course we’ll read it. You wrote it.
I know why we couldn’t vote both “Yes” and “Bacon”.
Helen took all the bacon.
😀 Case solved!
I use Seventhstar Art for my covers and really like working with them! They do great work and mostly do symbol based covers. Most of their covers lean towards the busier side, but I’m sure they can do the more old school high fantasy vibe. Stef is fantastic to work with.
Rick Geary might be a good artist for you.
I don’t like Ilona Andrews books and never read them and would NOT read this if you started posting on your web site which I never go to…..
Just reread the Innkeeper series (need more of that) and am rereading The Edge (second last book) and would REALY love to see another Hugh D’Ambray book…
One of my favorite up-n-coming artists in the epic fantasy space is Santiago Lozano.
He does a mix of painting and digital work. He first caught my eye with some incredible fan art for Malazan and Wheel of Time, and he’s also done some incredible one-off commissions.
His portfolio is available here:
Those are really cool!
Of course I voted yes. Does serializing impact sales in any way? Increase them, hopefully? I would hate if serializing risked decreasing them. Of course, you guys are the pros, and maybe bdh buzz has a special power, but I’d be willing to wait if I knew it was better for HA.
Whenever we see it, I am frothing at the mouth already!!
Serials definitely attract more readers per total 🙂 – I’ll add it to the list of questions to see how they influence sales for that specific book.
Just a comment about Blood Heir not being a success. I read all your books and I enjoyed Blood Heir and look forward to sequel
There seems to be a bit of misunderstanding 🙂.
Blood Heir was a very commercially successful book, and the BDH ensured that. It did really well in sales and best-seller lists and reviews!
Context is everything: what Ilona was referring to in the post about Anchor series is that Ryder failed at being an anchor- it was not the hook for new readers. Not in any other respect.
Ok, but it was a great book, had been read and reread, and I’m definitely looking forward to the next installment whenever it may happen. Glad it sold well.
I love any kind of dragons sine Anne McCaffrey serialized Dragonflight in the Analog Science Fiction Magazine in 1968. Yes I am that old. You are following a great tradition.
Secondly I am waiting for my avacado to get ripe for my bacon sandwich.
Okay, that was cruel to make me choose Maggie over bacon, but dammit, I did it.
The blog is getting about 25% of my brain power, because the rest is going into plotting scenes and conversations.
And what’s wrong with that? In fact, the 80-20 rule would not be remiss in my opinion
I love the blog, but in a contest between the blog and a book, the book wins.
yes to the Maggie serial, please, and bacon. luckily I can provide my own bacon.
Thank you!
How is this even a poll question? You have to know that the BDH is ALWAYS ready yesterday to read what you write next week.
In other areas of the internet — Kate got a mention in the comments of a Tor.com article — https://www.tor.com/2023/08/04/five-fantasy-swordsman-id-never-ever-want-to-challenge/#comments
2 mentions 🙂
You didn’t really think the BDH would turn down the serial did you? Ah, I didn’t think so. I’ll take mine with a side of bacon please.
I would love to read it but would appreciate a warning related to graphic violence.
I can’t wait to read this however it is published. Too bad one of the answers wasn’t yes but also bacon. However I prefer turkey bacon to pork bacon.
What a difficult choice! Bacon almost won out but, I found some in my freezer to cook up. So, win-win.
Glad it’s a rally and win. I had to read fluffy romance novels between each Game of Thrones book to cleanse my palate of the grimdark.
Brian Hoang https://instagram.com/brihoangdraws?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Gillian Newland
Two of my favourite illustrators and the nicest people in person!!
I just checked out Gillian Newland and her artwork really looks incredible!
Omg! OMG! OMG!!!!!! YES!!! PLEASE! All the Maggie snippets have been so good! I’ll take anymore that I can get!
Ok, I’m in the tiny minority that voted no, and just to be clear I would read the book, I just want the whole thing at once, not serialized, but I can always just choose to wait until the whole book is released, like I do with the Innkeeper books. So you should give the Horde what they want.
You’re cracking me up. You actually have a poll to see if the Book Devouring Hoarde is interested in reading something y’all wrote? Seriously?😁😁😁😉
Love you more than bacon!Glad you fixed your problem. Don’t forget to take some time for yourselves this weekend!
Link wouldn’t show me the results, but per the comments bacon got more votes than no, which should surprise no one.
I voted “yes”, of course.
Bacon can be had many places, but HA words have only one source.
That said, I love bacon in all its myriad forms – but eat it seldom to make my doctors happier with my diet.
(Sigh, so tired of being a good patient – but I *am* still here…)
OMG I’m SO excited for this!! YES, I would read this in any format you can give it to us! I honestly don’t see why anyone would say no to serialized, but that’s probably coz I would love to anything you can write as soon as its available. I thoroughly enjoyed reading Sweep of the Heart in its serialized form first, and then bought the book as well.
I recently saw a recommendation for Felix Ortiz. His stuff might be the kind of thing you’re looking for. Here’s his portfolio: https://felixortiz.artstation.com/
Can I ALSO vote for Bacon? 😀
Yes! Aaanndd Bacon!
This is twice you’ve mentioned the Fourth Wing. That’s seriously cool.
For two years my wife and I rented a house from Rebecca Yarros after she and her family moved west. Great house in a small Northern New York village.
I love when worlds collide!
Stuff everything else, Ilona sounded happy! I hope the stress and hardship has passed and things are smooth sailing from now on. 💛💛
I like that perspective. It does seem as though Ilona and Gordon have turned the corner on an intense brain bender.
Yay to you both for chipping away at your puzzle.
Have an awesome weekend.
🤣🤣 I didn’t even notice the bacon option!! How is this even a question? Please share. Share anything, share everything!!! Do you know the Friends episode where they are about to watch the video of Ross and Rachel to see who came onto who, and Joey say ‘I’m really excited’. That’s how I feel right now. I can’t wait 😝
a calligrapher could do the map. your local society for creative anachronism branch will have some people sca.org to figure out the closest group and contact
I will read this and undoubtedly love it. But even if I didn’t I might buy it for that cover.
I wanted to answer No to the serial question but that’s not the correct answer. I want it a full story. I feel like I lose some of the passion in a serial format, but know u will read anything you write and put out, just prefer a full story in one meal. so I answered Bacon
i feel the exact same and i answered bacon as well. i’d prefer to wait til the book release so i can devour it all at once. but if it is posted as a serial i will be unable to resist reading.
All of a sudden I have a thorough understanding of ‘bacon’ as an option.
Yes, I want the serial/book.
No, I dont want the serial/book.
Bacon… I will devour whatever is set before me, wether it be delicous smoked pork, or scrumptious written words. And more is so much better in both cases!
Schrodinger’s bacon 😂 (or the streaky superposition of quantic ham states) – a paper by the Book Devouring Horde
Mod R, that is great!! Quantic Ham States. Bahahaha!!!
Blog posts are fun, but books are better. I’ll gladly forego the former if it gets me the latter.
I’ll go willingly into the darkness if I care about the world and the characters. The Edge series is very dark in places but the ugliness is powerful and never gratuitous. I love those books and re-read them often. I can’t wait to read Maggie.
We will read it. We will buy it. We will tell our friends to read and buy it along with any and all random strangers in a bar we happen to meet. Give us book!
The BDH would read a cereal box if you wrote it.
Slightly disappointed that “DUH” wasn’t a voting option. 😂😁😂
I nearly picked Bacon… just because 😆😆
Sounds great – I can’t wait.
Yes please! Everything you write is an immediate purchase for me!
I’ll read it in any format you want to write it – as with all your books
I would, of course, be interested in anything you posted. I would also be perfectly fine waiting for the finished book so I could get stuck in for the long term.
Thank you for considering a different style cover. I’ve been shopping audible for a new serial and the covers do not appeal to me at all.
Seriously, you sell it, we’ll buy it. But do take enough tea breaks to preserve your mental healt.
Serial form is ok as long as you do not repeat what has gone on before for ‘new’ readers. Drives me nuts!
if the new book has dragons in it and they are snarky, then you have me sold!
I have been thinking, that if I had the money to start a publishing company, it would be called Snark Books..anything published has to be snarky, snark romance, science fiction,mysteries, fantasy, whatever. No high and mighty fiction, no Gone Girl drop, only first quality snark allowed.
Hahaha, did you seriously need to ask the BDH if they’d like a serial? 🤣🤣🤣
I voted for serial, but honestly, I’ll take whatever our gracious providers of amazing stories can give us.
Do we want teasers and bacon, they ask. I know the BDH is chaotic, but we’re not unpredictable.
Super excited to read whatever you guys put out! Love a little darker series every now and then.
Some artist recommendations: Mars Lauderbaugh (@mmarsloud on twitter) has done covers for a couple series and their work is always stellar! Jade Cunningham (@bluelyboo on insta) does a lot of book cover jacket/design stuff that’s top notch as well!
I hit yes so fast that I didn’t notice the bacon. lol
Oooh. Great cover concept. Great book concept. Write well and prosper!
you know all the bacon votes are just messing with you, as in “why yes, bacon would be deeeelicious while we devour your literary serials!”
Possible artist rec: Dex Greenbright. He can do a variety of styles (and i know he digs dragons) and the decor on the book reminds me of his Tales Of The Automazombs pseudo-leatherbound-tome book covers.
Melanie Fletcher does great cover art. I’m not sure what she uses. Her website is https://melaniefletcher.com/cover-art/
I don’t even know Maggie- how did I miss this as I must’ve missed one of the blogs??? I saw her reference a few times but don’t know her story. Any help? But I’ll read anything y’all write 😂
Maggie is the new project House Andrews are working on 🙂. We received an update on its status on Friday, which created further questions https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/no-content/
Here are some of the snippets shared with us https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/maggie-maggie-maggie/ and
https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/bdh-the-best-fandom-ever-and-snippet/ and
https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/busy-week/ and
Was going to vote yes until I saw that bacon was on offer
Right? I mean, c’mon, BACON!
Uuuumm, when is the serial starting??? *eager sparks in eyes *
Please, no need to be afraid about the dark parts. That is just life. Not everything is a bed of roses, and BDH understand. Those dark parts are important things what makes your characters so alive, so easy to belive them and why we love them so much ^^
The fantasy artists that I can think of offhand all have vastly different styles but are all incredibly good 🙂
There is Wenging Yang who goes by Yuumei on her social media, Lauren Boyle who goes by Lalalaurenboyle on her social media, Dan Dos Santos and Alberto Veranda. I’ve seen all 4 of them produce dragon art, but I’m not sure if it’s exactly what you’re looking for. Always good to give it a shot though 🙂
that was so hard…. bacon is always the right answer, but then no presents for the BDH!
I tried to vote both yes and bacon
Dragons! I love dragons! LET THERE BE DRAGONS!!!!
Looks similar in style to the British covers of the Joe Abercrombie First Law books, particularly “Best served cold”, one of my absolute favourites. I have photos of the cover and the copyright names for the images from the inner pages if you want them but I don’t think I can post them here. You can probably look them up easily anyway!
All the best with the new books, I look forward to reading them 🙂
Yes to everything on this survey! I’ve been thinking about your version of dragon stories since you first posted that snippet.
Also, here’s an artist that I follow who also draws fantasy characters:
We of the BDH would read the ABCs if you wrote them down. Lol
We gladly and greedily take anything and everything you chose to bless us with.
Thank you!!!
I really enjoy the blog, but I’d rather read your books!! I’d love to read Maggie!
You know it was tough with the bacon option…garden tomatoes are in season and there’s nothing like a BLT! Yum! 😉
The best of all worlds is the story with bacon. And ice cream for dessert while rereading the story. So, anything y’all post is good but better with bacon. I could go on but it’s all redundancy at this point.
Thanks for all the entertainment!
Do not say the “i” word, my brain can hear you! 😂 🍦
Did you think for one second that the vote count would look anything other than it does? The BDH is insatiable.
Voted Yes with bacon, I remember when you serialised Sweep of the heart, I started reading it and then stopped! I wanted to read it in one go so waited patiently until you released it. So think it will happen again, except I will wait for the book hence the bacon to keep me amused!
Realistically, I will buy whatever you publish, so whether you do a preview or not doesn’t change whether I purchase. I will say that I prefer urban fantasy to paranormal romance but still prefer things to stay lighter (Hidden Legacy rather than Edge) but I have enjoyed everything you have written, though I haven’t reread Edge.
I voted yes, but bacon is always welcome!
Definitely yes! although I briefly considered bacon 🤣 Even your polls have a sense of humor
My daughter Melissa Coates works as a book cover designer presently and would love the opportunity to get back to her artistic roots and work freehand again. She is also a big fan and was the one who recommended your books to me years ago. I will share this with her and see if she is interested
I tried to say, “I voted yes, but bacon is always welcome!” but the blog engine said I’d already posted that. (Has my identity been stolen?)
Okay, there can’t have been a duplicate comment to the one just above. That’s just crazy talk. I’ll change my name.
I am literally floored that there were any “No” responses. I would have bet money they were all “Yes”s with a smattering of Bacon. Are the “No”s real votes or just testing the poll?
Based on my inbox, it’s people who are eaten by remorse, but simply couldn’t wait to find out the ending or from week to week as the story advances 😅
ok, that does make sense. I definitely feel that. Thank you Mod R!
This is probably going to be a book. – HAPPY DANCE
You’ve already posted it, I have it with the timeframe 12:34 🙂, from the same email and IP address https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/stab-stab-stab/#comment-647008
Okay, I’ve officially been outed as impatient. But I swear I only touched “Post Comment” once!
Hard to ever vote against Bacon — it was close!
How exciting! I’m a concept artist and illustrator looking for work and would love to take on a book cover!
Hi Cosey, do you have a portfolio or website with design samples? 🙂
I would read a knitting pattern if you wrote it.
mm… tough choice. I’d prefer to have the book all at once normally, but I did enjoy Sweep of the Heart in serial format. Also, since it’s a new story and is darker than others, a serial might be a good way to sample the book first.
There is no ambivalence about bacon, though – so that was the obvious choice!
I’m so confused.
First – bacon 🤪
Then, GoT and Honor Among Thieves mash up? I’m going out on a limb we are referencing the book, tv show, movie and video games ? The costuming would be “Fire!”
This maybe a time when I have to wait (and you know the BDH isn’t very good at that!) The Edge series was almost too dark for me. I put off Hugh because it was too dark for pandemic times. If the authorlords are chatting about warning labels I’m taking their warning to heart.
Thank you for following your muse and writing Maggie. I’ve loved what I’ve read. But, if it’s not for me I’ll just reread what is for me 😊
The BDH loves you unconditionally!
as if there was ever any doubt that the majority would want to see the serialized story on your site. you guys are the best
I wish you nothing but happiness and success, but one reason I avoid most male Authors and stop reading some books and even series part way, is if it gets too stressful or someone we come to love is killed. I will hope for the best, I have faith but is why I have trouble finding new books and series to read
I must admit that bacon was a tempting offer but please give us Maggie we are hungry 😁
I really love your blog serials. Wondering all week (or whatever time period) about what’s going to happen next. Seeing what thoughts other commenters have about the story so far, or connection and subtleties I missed.
I love reading the comments too, and for the same reasons. It feels like I’m chatting with a giant book club!
Ain’t no party like a Friday serial Horde party 🥳
I like bacon a whole lot, but not nearly as much as I like your books. That’s saying something!
I am so happy that you ran over (or through) the roadblock…I knew you would figure it out!
And I would absolutely LOVE to read whatever part of this you share, as a serial, on a box of cereal, carved on stone tablets….wherever and however you choose! Anything produced by my favorite authors is worth reading however I can get my greedy little hands on it! 😂
I voted no once I start a story I like to finish it I hate waiting for the next chapter or book really love your books (well 3 of your series)
I am so here for this! Happy writing!
As a vegetarian, no bacon possible. Where is the falafel option?
2% no votes at this time. I can’t wrap my head around the idea of voting no.
They are not telling us about works in progress because BDH expectations were overwhelming. Maggie had a few intriguing snippets earlier and I’m looking forward to it. Wilmington 3 is next for Kate world… we won’t hear till they’re ready. Arabella is postponed due to the war — I know the Russian people are not to blame, but Ilona has family that is suffering, and they didn’t want to write a book with a Russian hero right now. So please remember that the authors are human and have to be able to enjoy themselves before they can create the books for us to enjoy.
was a tough choice between more book now and bacon. love the tone of this post souch. “Here BDH treats! Now fetch me an artist with an old school bent.” I kinda want a tail to wag 😂
I would like to give the cover drawing a shot.
if u can tell me in how much time do u need it?
Hi Nibha,
Do you have an art portfolio or website where we can see your work and style please?
Jackie Morris does gorgeous dragons.
Just to let you know – I will read anything you write. For me what you write is not a one and done; I have read each one mutiple times. If the novels were physical they would be worn and dog-eared, Now, you’ve got me hooked on the Graphic Audio editions (thank you in advance for Magic Strikes) – that’s OK because I sit and listen and knit my little heart out. There are a few authors that create worlds that never bore me. If one of that group releases a book, I drop everything. When that happens I typically re-read the previous works in a series. Then there’s Innkeeper – I love Innkeeper – which caused me to circle back to the Edge. You mentioned that Blood Heir was not as sucessful as you wished but I hope you keep at it as I liked the first one. I may not be a rabid member of the BDH, but I think I’m a charter member. Thank you for hours and hours of pleasure. Oh, can you post a picture of your (yarn/floss) stash?
Blood Heir was very successful, it just didn’t become an anchor series- aka a hook for the new readership 🙂.
Here’s some previous yarn stashage! 🧶 😍 https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/the-craft-room-saga/
Hmmmm – I knit also, but it never occurred to me to knit to an audio book (yes all right I’m always a last-in-line adopter). That’s such a good idea – thank you!
As I said earlier, we’ll read anything you publish. I have no interest in knitting (I tried it a couple/few years back with Ilona’s posted advice and learned it’s not for me). But I read the knitting posts.
So I voted bacon. Because however you publish it, I’ll read it. But I’d PREFER the whole book at once.
But ALWAYS bacon.
I didn’t read the question correctly. If it was posted on the blog as a serial.
Yes? But with a qualifier. No leaving it with a cliffhanger unless the rest is due to go live. A cliffhanger for a week is fine*. For a YEAR or even several months? No.
This is NOT a demand, it’s my preference. In addition, although I know that this part doesn’t apply to the BDH or to self-publishing, I’ve seen three series die completely because the not-Nora-Roberts-level author wrote a cliffhanger, word got around, readers decided to wait for the next book and read both at once, and the publisher looked at the terrible sales and dropped them. Two prior to self-publishing getting big and one after. So it’s a Thing for me anxiety wise as well as… ok, anxiety about CONTINUITY as well as anxiety about story.
Again, not a demand, a preference, and I’ll read it any way and other.
*a week is NOT fine, but I adapted during the days I could still watch tv.
I’ve relearned the “week” thing since discovering Tapas – after having previously *un*learned it when streaming replaced TV 😂
“If we posted the first part of Maggie on the blog as a serial, would you be interested?”
Wait, was that an actual question? 😆😆😆
I enjoy reading whatever you deem to grace us with. I go back on contract (teacher) and would love to have something to read on Fridays!
As a personal note. I am a survivor of multiple layers of sexual assault. I joke that I am strong because I made it out of my birth home alive. I have very dark, sarcastic coping skills. Humor, I discovered in group therapy, is how a lot of us survive. Granted, the rest of the group did pull away and whisper about us in the corner
I’m so sorry for what you went through- humour is a very valid coping method!
Me in therapy, making a joke about an incident, and my therapist being unmoving: no, but see, it’s a joke? A pun, because of the song title…
My therapist: yeah, I can’t really see that as a laugh.
Sometimes, it’s a lot harder on others to manage our dark humor.
Also, puns aren’t very funny. Except for this one!
I hear you. You’re right. Thank you for speaking out.
Survivor here. Therapy helped. Humor too. In regards to triggers, for me, knowing that a story contains something difficult is helpful, to not be blindsided by it. The ones I can’t read are the ones that gratuitously “show” an attack. Knowing what we know of House Andrews, I have no fear of Maggie’s story.
i can very much draw that dragon on the map above please contact me!
my instagram is sah3artist
Yes please. Serial or no, I will read and purchase it. Hmmm, bacon. I have sourdough bread rising in the kitchen ready to bake in about an hour. Now I have to have bacon to go with it.
I would love Maggie as a serial. But now I must stop at the grocery store because Bacon!
Probably much too far away for you, but NerdForg, who is on Instagram and YouTube, does book covers like that. She lives in Norway.
Serials make me insane, but if it appears on the blog I Will Read It (cursing and swearing as each tiny piece comes to an end), which is why I voted for bacon.
Alex Bruce
Hi Kim, afraid I need a little more, it’s a very common name. Does they happen to have a website, instagram account, portfolio, previous cover work? 🙂
You write it, I read it. Simple.
Oil painting? Charcoal sketch? If I may ask, what medium are you looking for? (I’m guessing oil or acrylic, but wanted to confirm…)
Hi A,
Book covers are digital art 🙂, the usual formats are digital illustration, CGI, photography/stock photography manipulation, and vector-based.
House Andrews are looking specifically for illustrations and/or vector-based.
Honestly, serializing this would be awesome for a multitude of reasons. I know that I’m not alone in finding it difficult to read some kinds of books these days. I have so many series that I loved in the past that I just can’t continue or even re-read right now. Your body of work, HA, has been a godsend to me in these trying times. I LOVE IT ALL! Being able to read Maggie from the blog would give me, and people like me, the ability to test the waters, so to speak. I will definitely still buy the book, when it’s released (in all formats available), but I will know whether to place it on the “Hopefully Someday to be Read” bookcase or whether I can gleefully gobble it up immediately as I’ve done everything else you’ve ever written. Thank you for even considering this course. You’re so good to us. I sincerely hope that you feel the love the BDH has for you, all day everyday!
Ah, waving the tasty morsel in front of the ravenous horde, I see. Do you want the treat, BDH? Do you want it? Sit. Stay. Who‘s a good Horde?
Don’t mind us, we’ll just be over here drooling on the blog‘s entryway rug waiting for serial posts and snapping up any other random scraps we find…
We’re famously a very fluffy Horde 🤭
😉 😉 😉
I was so tempted to vote bacon, but I controlled myself. (And yay! It will be a book!)
I know I’m not the only one here who wants the serial, and to buy the kindle and paperback editions, and the audible and graphic audio version, of every single thing House Andrews has ever done and will ever do. Take all my money. Nothing gets me out of my own head the way your characters and worlds do.
The world is on fire and we all have to go to work anyway, but at least we have HA on our commutes and our breaks.
This is my very first post. I’ve been reading fantasy/paranormal romance/urban fantasy for half my life and I’m over fifty, so that’s a while. I love all your books and have been enjoying this blog so much. I have never been inspired to follow authors until you. As with most of the other BDH, I would love to read anything you share with us. Thanks for the energy you put into your writing and this blog. So very appreciated.
Welcome to the comment section, Paru! 🤗
Have the Authorlords seen the covers for Elizabeth Moon’s Paksenarrion World Chronicles (Deeds of Honor and the just-released Deeds of Youth)? They look like old-school epic bricks. Designer is Tara O’Shea, her website is at https://fringe-element.net/covers/
Bacon! ROFL .
Thank you. Blessed Friday.
If you write it, I will read it! Any time, any form it takes.
Illustrator Rec: Alice Cao https://alicecao.co.uk/
Totally in love with her work, been following her on instagram for a while now
My name is William Michael Brown I am a fantasy/ sci-fi artist and illustrator currently residing in Oregon. I noticed the blog post above looking for artists for a new cover and I am really interested in submitting my portfolio for consideration. However, I don’t see any obvious submission link.
Out of sheer enthusiasm, I’ll submit in this comment section, but would love to know the more appropriate location to submit to.
Here is a link to my page: https://www.williammichaelbrown.com
Thank you so much.
William Brown
Hi William,
The comment section is the right place, they all get read 🙂. Thank you for your interest and portfolio link, we will contact you if you are selected.
Your Globe of Heartbreak looks really interesting 🤨.
‘Rally and win’ with a nod to ‘Grimdark’ sounds pitch perfect to me. In my experience winning generally means continuing to do the best I can, in whatever moment I find myself, and finding from somewhere the strength and self-compassion to forgive myself for all those other moments I have in the past and will again in the future go ‘oops’ and promptly drop the ball. Moments on a podium clutching something gold coloured and waving at adoring crowds seem illusory and distracting, as far as I can tell. From what you’ve said so far Maggie and her life sounds like something I can seriously relate to. Thank you so much for writing.
Gimme, Gimme, Gimme! * BDH’s roar* please and ☺️ thank you, lol.
I read EVERYTHING you all write, wherever, whenever – I am an ADDICT!
So excited! Can’t wait for your book and a new adventure. Loved the call out to Fourth Wing.
The print versions of my books that are currently up were done by Damonza and I asked them for that sort of central object look with those. I’m sure they could put together something along the lines of what you’re looking for. https://damonza.com/#book-cover-design
Although they are a team of designers so you may need to go back and forth a bit depending on who you get.
Example: https://www.amazon.com/Riders-Revenge-Trilogy/dp/1516880188
Hmm, I admit, the Bacon option confused me. Of course, I am a vegetarian😋, but I can say without a doubt, even if you offered a free year’s supply of chocolate instead, I would still vote Yes without hesitation, if it means more stories from you. You’re the best!
I have read any thing I could get that you have written and published sooo the question is a no brainer.
I have an artist suggestion for your cover. Their name is Rose O’Reilly and they have a Facebook page here: https://m.facebook.com/rosiesartisticness
I’m pretty sure this is the artist who created that stock image: https://www.dreamstime.com/tudorpopaart_info (there’s information about contacting artists on that site at https://www.dreamstime.com/faqs-detail-5#faq205). They have a lot of other stock art in similar styles, so if you fell in love with that image it definitely seems worth a shot!
This artist has a similar user name and similar style, and might be worth a look since they are definitely contactable: https://www.deviantart.com/tudorpopa/
Honesty, I wanted to vote Bacon just because 🤣
But since I want to read even more, I opted for the safe Yes answer.
Bacon voters, I salute you!
Please don’t kick me out of the horde, I said no to reading it in serialised format but absolutely want to read Maggie as soon as possible – just in a complete and finished book.
Doesn’t have to be edited to perfection, just fully finished and not subject to any large potential changes.
And thanks to my latest round of CBT I will have to write down and analyse the anxiety that reading a serialised format does to me. Joy.
::Hug:: The Horde understands allergy to w*iting!
But will they unite with me and rise up against Psychotherapy? 😜
Not sure if this would work for your cover idea, but have you ever watched Martina from Nerdforge on YouTube? She draws (and makes models of) dragons and fantasy settings, and has done a lot of book rebinding projects, in this kind of style.
Here are a couple of relevant links;
(apologies in advance to anyone who falls down this rabbit hole!)
Question – Are “darker” novels more challenging to serialize? In my mind, I would think a novel that has a darker tone would be more challenging than one with a more lighthearted, warm-fuzzy plot.
Innkeeper seemed to me mostly a fun romp about magical inns and their caretakers so I just have this feeling it would be easier to serialize. I have no facts to support this – just assumptions.
Also, if you serialize, does that inherently mean you’d opt out of the traditional publishing route? Are publishers okay with authors releasing chunks of novels?
I’m all for the book whichever way I can get it though!
Darker projects are indeed more challenging to serialise- that’s why House Andrews will heavily rely on content and trigger warnings and disclaimers 🙂
i had to vote bacon; I’m a meateater in a vegetarian household 😫
i would totally be interested in a serial though!
We are at your mercy. Whatever you write, we will read. Thankfully, although the themes are hard and your protagonists often get metaphorically keelhauled, they always persevere and triumph. This is what I (many of us) need.
Serials would be great, I always read the serials and then read the published books with changes (multiple times!).
Of course I would read it… Silly question. But I do like bacon. However, I don’t like bacon as much as your books.
Yes, and bacon. Lots of both.
For covers your image really reminded me of the covers produced for Haily Turner’s Infernal War Saga. They are credited to Book Fly Design: https://www.bookflydesign.com/
Here’s a link to one of the books: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58932476-the-prince-s-poisoned-vow
Why can’t there be TWO CHOICES???I really wanted some bacon.
Hooray for writing breakthroughs! Can’t wait to learn more.
For artists that can do book covers and draw dragons, maybe Jason Carne? I don’t know him personally but have collected some of his art. He also did the latest covers for a new print run of the Inheritance Cycle series, and the covers are all dragons.
Oh, my bad. Jason Carne did the lettering for those book coers. The artist for the images was John Jude Palencar.
Yes I’d read it. As hello y’all wrote it. And I am a proud member of BDH. And if there are dragons so much the better. And bacon makes everything better.
Love y’all
But no dragon bacon 😂- we don’t eat our friends!
But what if dragon bacon is just bacon that the dragon flame grilled for you? 😁 Like roasting it over an open dragon flame?
Delighted , looking forward immensely to this new work, Thankyou.
Hiya, gals & guys,
Start with Dreamstime.com artists and artwork.
They might have just what your looking for as far as “heavy” f-ing books are concerned.
I use them for clients looking more for a “sci-fi/fantasy” vibe in their designs… or comic book-style designs.
Hope this helps!
Oh, and definitely “Yes!” …although, I will take “Bacon” as well.
Yep, definitely a bacon fan! (Ha, ha!)
i strongly object to that vote! need to be able to eat bacon while reading it. 😁 sending this blog to an artist i know.
Love this post. I can handle fewer blog posts if you are happy with what you’re writing. Obvi, voted yes. Bacon is good but I can source my own.
Anything you write is always a pleasure! You are like a comfy blanket.
Super yay! Are you reading my wishlist?
You mentioned the other day that Maggie can’t be your anchor series.
Why is that? Is it something that just won’t fit into the traditional publishing rubric?
I obviously want all the writings that HA can write, but also believe it that anything you write can have the legs to get new readers if they’re properly exposed to it.
I love your serials. I read them multiple time. The projected cover is great. I hope you find an artist.
Write away, can’t wait for a new series.
“old school epic fantasy big f***ing brick book thick enough to kill someone “….
Is this the kind of thing you want?on Instagram latest post of rufuscapra
I’m upset that I couldn’t vote both ‘Yes’ and ‘Bacon’! But I’ll be sitting hard on my grabby hands whichever way you guys decide to go!
Hell yes! We are BDH – you don’t even have to ask.
Have you ever heard Brian W Parker?
He’s a graphic designer, illustrator, children’s book author (co-written with his wife, Josie), college professor, Indy book publisher (Believe in Wonder Publishing) and one of the nicest people you will meet (as is Josie).
He focuses on children’s books, though he does more adult fantasy work as well for other people. He’s played and sketched D&D characters forever and literally posted a sketch of a D&D-style “stress dragon” on his Facebook page today. (We went to college together.)
His 1st book, Crow in the Hollow, he illustrated and made maps for, which is more of a darker style than his more recent children’s books.
Oh and he makes WWII-style Santa Propaganda posters for Christmas every year, because if there is a “war on Christmas,” then shouldn’t Santa be recruiting good cheer? (Profile link is to the Santa posters on his site.)
He put the dragon sketch on his Instagram-> https://www.instagram.com/p/CvbdZzONdFu/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Thank you for sharing about this author illustrator! I’m having a blast exploring his Instagram!!
If you post it, if course we will read it. But, you really can’t put the ‘Bacon’ option on a poll and not expect me to vote for it…..😼
Not sure if these guys are what you’re looking for, if they’re in your price range, or if they would be interested, but they are very good:
Dan dos Santos has done all the covers for Patty Briggs’ Mercy Thompson and Alpha/Omega series.
Eddie Mendoza does a lot of fantasy and cyber punk art that is really good.
Mark B.
Authorlords, I fear that if you serialized the Yellow Pages, I would wait with baited (bated?) breath for each page. In fact, it would be a good challenge for you when you are using less of your brain power on important Authorlord stuff.
I’m not worthy…. please forgive my impudence…cast me not away from your glory!!
Since you mention Maggie is its own world… one of the snippets described the men as built like linebackers or some other sportsball reference. This jumped out at me as anachronistic. But then I thought maybe it’s a time jumping world or something. Can’t wait to read more of Maggie’s world, any which way!!!!
I still think Raina/Puffles can be your new anchor series . Look how well Fourth Wing did.
Of course we’d love an installment – but I would want Gordon and Ilona to feel free to revise it afterwards if they find the plot twists or it just needs tweaking (that’s a technical writing term). Wouldn’t want the serial to act as a straitjacket.
The serials always get tweaks and edits in their post-blog but pre-pub life 🙂
You can read more about the process of editing a serial here, in a post-SotH blog article https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/editing-of-online-serials-sweep-of-the-heart/
Bacon smells soooo good, but I am a vegetarian, so cereal it is.
Very excited you have decided to continue with Maggie even though it is not your anchor book. Very intriguing as nothing in the posted snippets indicated that Maggie’s world contained dragons. Your Raina snippet did have dragons and could possibly fit the three musketeers with dragons you originally pitched to Ace many years ago. I voted for serialisation but like all the BDH would be happy whichever way suits you best.
I was so tempted to vote for bacon 🤣 but opted for the absolute truth of oh-yes-please-a-serial!!!!! Rooting for book, always.
Oh My yes. Umm and can we make that beef bacon? Oh, even better, let’s make it burnt ends from Cattleack BBQ in Dallas. Yum.
Yes this is brilliant so keen to read about new worlds from you!
So happy you guys are back in a good place writing wise!
Would I be _interested_ in reading Maggie on the blog? Heck yes. Would I _actually_ read it? I would endeavor not to, because I personally prefer reading stuff in one go. However, no absolute certainty I wouldn’t cave and read it anyway – my will is not iron 😉
Hence, bacon 😂
After all these years I would read everything and anything you publish, in any form.
So excited for new material!!!!
I don’t know if I’m allowed to offer myself up as an artist, but I’ll leave a link to my page here on the off chance someone will contact me. I have been a huge fan of your books for years and reread them yearly because I just can’t get enough.
Mark Zug illustrated the Septimus Heap series in 2005 and designed the cover art.
How about the new book has a bacon cover, slightly cooked to show the dragon’s endorsement.
my suggestion for an coverartist would be: look up tattooist. Maybe someone really talented is close by, if not you can look up at tattoo-conventions. the art some of them produce on demand is mindblowing.
good luck hunting
NerdyInk can be found on IG and they have a regular homepage as well (https://nerdy.ink) where they sell hand-lettering an illustrated artwork. They release and sell limited editions of book covers of popular books all the time. Their’s is a different style but popular and eye catching.
I love your serializations. I read, and then get the book so I can read it all together with edits and update.
Thank you for bucking the trend! I am tired of male abs on every book or people that look nothing like the characters in the book.
Am chuckling a bit over the need for a poll with this crowd.
I voted bacon, because obviously that means yes. Right? Right?!
The real answer is YES, yes a thousand times yes!!! But I HAD to click bacon. Because BACON!!!!! mmm, now I need a bacon sammich. bacon.
Hi! My name is Colin Richards and I am an illustrator working in the RPG industry. I would love to toss my hat into the ring for cover art, interior illustrations, or maps.
I specialize in old school fantasy and sci-fi illustration both in pen & ink and color.
You can see a sample of my work, the publishers I have worked for, and contact information here:
Artist recommendation: Leslie Chin. I made this same recommendation on your Facebook page, with her permission. She does amazing work in the fantasy realm, and I am completely confident in her ability to draw that dragon in any way you want.
Please explain to this old one Bacon?
I like the covers you come up with the best. Except for actual printed books ( I haven’t read one of those in years) book covers range in size from a postage stamp to the blown up version of a baseball card. Most book covers have so much stuff on them that they make no sense at that size. Your example above, with only slight tweaking of the background color, would read very well. Your best cover ever was the simple blue feather, which was just a place holder. I’ve devoured 140 books so far this year and almost all of them were audio.The rest were either pdfs, or ebooks, of Arcs. All of the covers were postage stamp size. The best covers at that size are very simple graphics and crisply delineated colors so that the result isn’t a rorshock smear. Look at your books on Amazon on your phone and you will see what I mean. Of course the BDH will buy anything with your name on it, but you’re obviously looking for people who don’t know you by name yet. Look also on Hoopla, Libby, and GoodReads, etc on your phone and you’ll see, immediately, what stands out. The historical romance novels, for example, are just a sorry blur. Hope this helps.
You write it, I read it! thank you for your hard work. hope things are cooling off some for you in TX.
I worked with Tim for years and he is actually the one who introduced me to your books. He is an amazing artist with decades of graphic design experience. You would definitely be in good hands with him.
Yea! I had (have!) faith in you guys. So glad you fixed what needed fixing. That’s important. Blog content is great, but grocery lists will work for that. You can focus on the important book stuff!!
Paolo Barbieri draws beautiful fierce dragons and created awesome covers for other authors in the past
Try @cartographybird (https://www.instagram.com/cartographybird/?hl=en) on instagram. They’ve just done a hardcover for Jenna Wolfhart that gives kind of similar vibes. Here’s the hardcover image—https://www.instagram.com/p/Ctg2pZ_S9Iv/?hl=en. I was looking at using them myself for some fantasy maps.
dear authorlords, you could publish your grocery list and I’d read it.
And who said books all have to be butterflies, kittens and puppies? Sometimes it’s vultures, Sphinx and hellhounds.
I like books that are grim. They’re more real world
I love the cover art general concept–that style is really cool and it’s a pity it isn’t used more right now! No artist recs, though, sadly, not really my space at all.
concern about serial is that beginning will be dark before we get to rally point.
Who is Maggie?
Maggie is the new project House Andrews are working on 🙂. We received an update on its status on Friday, which created further questions https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/no-content/
Here are some of the snippets shared with us https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/maggie-maggie-maggie/ and
https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/bdh-the-best-fandom-ever-and-snippet/ and
https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/busy-week/ and
Off topic, I don’t mean to spook the Horde, Mod R feel free to delete, sorry but I have to ask:
Are y’all out of the path of the Oak Grove (San Marcos/Wimberley) fire? We’re sleeping with one eye open and the cars packed, I hope it’s not near you.
Also, I love Maggie and will gulp it down however you serve it, just like bacon. But if serializing means nerfing the gritty dark tone, I’d rather you wait and make it how you feel it should be, not what’s safe for general web viewing.
Hi Ashley,
I hope you’ll all be safe! Thank you for thinking of House Andrews.
I spoke with Ilona in the last hour, and the wildfire is about 10 miles from them. The air is breathable and they have a filter. They also had texts from the emergency services and are prepared for evac with all the pets if the need should arise.
Thanks Mod R, you are the best.
Thanks so much for asking that. I’m on the East Coast of Australia and a few years ago it seemed like everywhere I went burst into flames or became lung smoggingly smokey. So I am watching and empathising with you all, as are so many Aussies. Of course, we’re all a bit worried that it is heading our way again this spring as our gardens have all burst into flower already and our ground is drying out with another month of winter to go (theoretically). Good luck and safe times to you all. 🙂
I was going to vote for Bacon ‘cause who can say no to bacon, but I decided to act my 69 years and be a responsible adult😏.
… so that means you voted bacon, right? 😉
I’m happy. I voted for Yes AND Bacon.
Lol, she honestly asked the BDH if we’d read something. Ilona, I’m pretty sure you could ask us if we’d be interested in reading your grocery & chores list and we’d squeal with glee.
Maybe she hasn’t noticed, but we’re _not normal_
A rally and win gal.🥰🌹
Voted yes, but if it had been bacon maple donut I would have had to toss a coin to decide.
Who EVER ticked Bacon or even No???? Serious. Grrrrr. That’s a major capital YES. Please write the story. It will be as awesome as anything you guys put together. Thank you
Hello Ilona, Diane Tatham sent me your way, she said you stopped by her son’s comic shop and was inquiring about artists. I’m not only a well published comic artist and illustrator but I’ve also done several paintings and other “non-comic” pieces for authors, the NFL, and others. Please drop me a line and let’s see if we can connect. I’m down in Tumwater, WA.
To stand corrected, and apologies as I misunderstood the message I had received from Diane. She actually was messaged by a FB friend of hers who is a fan of yours and sent the link to this blog.
I’m still very interested in working on the cover to give you that look you are looking for. I have done some limited Magic the Gathering work as well and know I could deliver. Happy to chat!
Hi Justin,
Thank you so much for your interest 🙂. Is this your profile with samples of your work and style https://instagram.com/artofjustinhunt?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== ?
I love the fact that you have to ask if we would be interested in something you guys have written, like the answer would be anything other than “Yes, put it before my eyes and let me observe the greatness.”
RE book cover. Do you mean that the dragon on the map should replace the one on book cover in the same style i.e. an embossed metal emblem?
FYI, I used to draw/print stuff like this but I don’t think anything on my site reflects this.
I need more information about the bacon before I can decide. Is it crispy? Organic? Served with scrambled eggs or on a burger?
Artist: Nerdforge. They have youtube videos you can check out. They have made many items that go along the theme you are searching for. Please consider them.
Bacon!!!! Thank you, love you too.
I am so excited to read it!
I really like this artist’s Discworld covers. Also, she seems to have a lot of experience doing cover designs.
This guy makes actual props. Not graphic art, but it’s a start. https://www.deviantart.com/timbakerfx/art/Code-Book-93112367
I think searching on steampunk illustrators will get results faster.
I love the work of Dan dos Santos, he does great work, but I’m not sure of the old timey feel you are after but his drawings are magnificent and I honestly believe he could do it, even though people are his specialty…… are you sure you don’t want Old timey Bodice Ripper covers 😀 lol
How about Geoff Taylor who did David Eddings books? https://www.geofftaylor-artist.com/authors-illustrated
so generous to consider serialization for the first part of the book.
I just hope it is timed so there isn’t too long of a w@†t between the last posted chapter and when the book is published and we can purchase it!
as a member of the BDH the w word is torture.
An artist well-known for dragons and fantasy work is Ciruelo Cabral. I think his style could fit your needs. Here are two websites with his work:
This might be the only time in my life I did not vote for bacon. But my YES was loud enough for you to hear even though I am in Australia!
I would read anything from you. 🙂
Regarding covers: I like the book covers I see from a YouTube channel called Nerdforge.
This may have been the most unnecessary poll you have ever asked. WORDS!
(I think the response would have been the same if you asked if we wanted to see you grocery list.)
Regarding artists, I think you would be really pleased to work with Vincent Chong. Here is a gallery that shows more of his non-people art. I think his cover for The Ape’s Wife and Other Stories show what you are looking for.
Vinny takes direction very well, and always meets deadlines.
My best friend is a fan of your work and sent me the link because she thought I may be a good fit for your cover work project. I am definitely intrigued. I am an art teacher and did a lot of work recreating illuminated manuscripts/letters. More recently I drew a realistic alligator and began a warm colored version which looks quite dragon-like. I’m happy to send you images of my work and would love to discuss the project in more detail and see if it’s a good fit!
Hi Joy,
Thank you for your interest, I have sent you an email 🙂
@warickaart on instagram, is very good with lots of details and ornate covers. 🙂
I’m team “bacon” and needed to clarify: I desperately want to read Maggie. And so whatever is the most satisfying to HA (taking into account the full calculus of intellectual, emotional, and financial considerations) is my preference. Hence, “bacon.” But personally, I don’t love the serial format. (I’m sure that in the case of HA it’s mostly in my head rather than on the page, but I prefer the flow of a non-serialized story.) So while I’ll voraciously devour snippets, once I know it’s going to be a full, published project…I have to exercise “self control” and abstain from reading the blog snippets. And “self control” is hard.
How do I put you in touch with my illustrator?
Hi Gayle,
Do you have a link to an artist portfolio or any samples of their work? It would help if we could have an idea of art style before anything.
You can email me at modr@ilona-andrews.com to share if you are more comfortable that way 🙂
So excited!!
Hopepunk FTW!
Serial and bacon would also be good 😀
I would love to read Maggie, but personally with life getting busy I struggle to follow serial releases. Even did for innkeeper, an established series with familiar characters. That’s the only reason I voted no.
but looks like I’m in the minority anyway 🙂 will be excited to read when the full version comes out!!
he made the dragon out of leather…
I must go with bacon, because both ‘yes’ and ‘no’ come with caveats, because I lack the patience for serials, so I must simply wait for the preorder option to become available.
Boooooooooook!!!!!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Hello, I’ve worked as a graphic designer, animator & illustrator for the last 20 years. I’m a huge fan and would love to collaborate on this project if you’re interested.
What does “bacon” mean ?
Bacon is speck 🙂 , cured (generally pork) meat.
Voted “Bacon” in the sense of “That would be *bacon*”, or, “Yes, new serialized story would be as welcome as bacon.”
Because I can’t eat pork and I miss bacon.
Love everything you have written. Keep up the good work. And please get Hugh’s 2nd book done. I’ve been waiting along time for it.
Hi there! I am a digital artist inquiring about the book cover art you mentioned. I’d love to chat a little bit more about what you are looking for and if my art is a good fit for you!
Hi Katie,
Do you have a portfolio or an instagram page with samples of your work 🙂?
Thank you.
hey, I’m an artist that might be able to help. I have a painterly style and I really like the classical look. I’ve done freelance Dungeons and Dragons character art for the last two years and just switched to bookish art.
my insta is @sunni_rae_art
if you like what you see, feel free to message me 🙂
Graphic Designer/comic artist here. Don’t have anything exactly like that in my online portfolio but I can definitely do that, can send more samples if you’d like.
My husband and I are an artist team with 20+ years of work behind us 🙂
I’m an illustrator/graphic designer. I can work in many styles, and I can make the type of cover you’ve described.
I have little to add to these supportive comments. House Andrews writing is some of the most addictive (in only the best way) kind of writing. I’ve missed my chance to buy the tshirt or mug but consider myself ride or die BDH. I don’t play many video games nor do I knit, but if there’s a new post and it’s about video games or knitting, I’m eager to hear your thoughts. What you write, I will read. If you stop writing, I shall simply reread more. Thank you HA for your writing, your work, and everything else you put into all of it that we don’t even know about. I really hope we get to know Maggie but I also understand if she needs to take a break. Y’all are the best. Take care of each other.
Delight Prescott. Her stuff is wonderful.
First time commenting as this post piqued my interest with reference that Maggie would have references to some dark themes. Perhaps HA can answer why themes of child abuse and rape comes up in certain genres. These themes are a bit stomach turning and I am curious to know what would propel an author to explore that.
Sorry it took so long to write this — re: Cover Art, you can post the request as a contest on 99designs.com, and artists will create options on spec. Pick the one you like best, and work with that artist to refine. (That’s how we got our logo for our flagship product.) Reach out if I can answer questions for you.
Alice Scott Morris is an artist with tremendous talent for highly detailed, ornate, and/or fantasy elements. You can find her on Etsy or her own website.
Love bacon..
Love your posts more. 😍