Avon, being awesome, is running a Goodreads giveaway for White Hot in honor of nomination. Thank you, Avon! I tried to steal a snippet of the new Rogan POV for you, but Gordon won’t give me one. Bummer. We are planning on doing the same for the One Fell Sweep, but because it’s an indie,
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Wildfire is a Bestseller: #3 on NYT and #2 on USAT
I am shamelessly stealing the screenshots from Sarah of Nancy Yost Literary Agency. Thank you!
Wildfire Snippet for Tina
There wasn’t going to be more snippets, but we received a message from Tina, one of our readers, who has been in the hospital for five days due to pneumonia. She’s been checking the blog page every day and she wanted how she could better if there was never a new snippet. Here is a
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About Sales
This is a difficult post to write, not because of anything bad happened, but because it’s a bit awkward, so bear with me, please. Gordon and I are very grateful that you are worried about our sales. We’ve been hit with a deluge of questions about whether or not you should preorder Wildfire, what format,
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Chapter 2 Part 4 – Wildfire
Don’t forget we will be there at Spicewood Branch of Austin Library tonight at 7:00 pm. Mahmud El Shafey 1 hour ago More @ilona_andrews if Americans get a snippet for #ComeyTestimony, shouldn’t us Brits get one for #May being elected PM? This is stressful! This snippet wasn’t supposed to be posted until next week, but
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Chapter 2 Part 3
It was brought to our attention that Comey is testifying, and, for the love of all that’s holy, a snippet is needed. It is here for you, when you are ready for a real life break. “I agree,” Bern said. “We’re not doing that.” “We can fight,” I said. “Victoria has more money, more troops,
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Chapter 2 Part 2
But first, an important announcement.This Friday, 7:00 pm, Spicewood Springs Branch of Austin Public Library will host a get together at 8637 Spicewood Springs Road. “Join the Austin Public Library for an exclusive, intimate evening with New York Times bestselling author Ilona Andrews! This 18 and older event will feature a reading from her novel
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Spoiler post
Spoiler discussion for White Hot. Read at your own risk.
Rogan Burn for Me POV part 2
A short while later, I deposited Sleeping Beauty on a cot in my basement and prepared for the next exciting episode entitled Uncle Connor’s Torture Time. Can our hero break the will of Adam’s gun toting moll and find a way to stop the madman before he burns Houston to ground? Yeah, probably. Once she
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Schedule Questions
I’m cleaning out the email box. 🙂 Here are some answers to frequently asked questions. Will there be more in Hidden Legacy or will the trilogy end the story? The trilogy reaches a satisfying conclusion – we hope – but we left the door open for more books. We would love to do more, because
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Snippet of White Hot
We are supposed to be doing promotional thingies, but Gordon is writing Rogan POV and we’re both knee deep in Hugh’s book, so instead of a big promotional push, here is a big snippet of White Hot. Behold, the cover and buy links. Okays, love you, bye, have to write now. Release date: May 30,
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Wildfire Galleys
We have the galleys for Wildfire so if you have proofread White Hot and want to take a stab at Wildfire, now is your chance. We are making only minor corrections and most egregious inconsistencies. To be considered, email us. 🙂