As we’ve said before, we had to bump Blood and Iron to Spring of 2018, because we have to finish KD. Gene Mollica, the artist working on Hugh’s cover, is putting out a casting call now and we have the first shots of costumes in progress. Check this out. I really love it. We said
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Winter is coming…
So we’re walking out of the bank, after giving the title company all of our money, and the dude from the title company, who had come to pick the check up, says, “The two days of Texas winter are coming.” He is right. Speaking of dark and broody, folks on Facebook fan page are discussing
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OMG, WTH, You Iz Lying To Us
I’ve gotten this wonderfully accusatory message about Hugh’s book not being a book, etc, etc. It is a book. It’s 2-3 to 3/4 done, not quite sure how long it will be yet. We were aiming for 90K, and then Gordon said, “You know, we’re self-publishing it.” So it might be longer. We still lurve
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Hugh snippet for your Wednesday
“You may begin,” Elara said. “It used to be human,” the coroner said. Hugh examined the internal organs. Heart, liver, lungs. All the usual suspects. Some of the organs were deformed, but still appeared functional. “How to explain this,” the coroner began, clearly trying to come up with a dumbed down version. “Umm. Well, to
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Magic Triumphs, Kate 10, will not be released until 2018. 🙂 If any Goodreads librarians are reading this, please correct the date if you get a chance. Apparently the date on the site still has September of this year. We are so thrilled that you really enjoy our books. But you are getting 4 books
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Schedule Questions
I’m cleaning out the email box. 🙂 Here are some answers to frequently asked questions. Will there be more in Hidden Legacy or will the trilogy end the story? The trilogy reaches a satisfying conclusion – we hope – but we left the door open for more books. We would love to do more, because
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Hugh snippet for your Tuesday
First, we will be at Romantic Times Convention in Atlanta on Thursday and Friday, but we will not be at the Book Fair on Saturday. We are mainly there to get a Career Achievement Award in Urban Fantasy. Flattering beyond reason and a little odd, since we’ve only been publishing for ten years. We will
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Dangerous things in the woods
The body of the dog sprawled under a bush. Blood stained the brown and white fur. Hugh crouched by it. Next to him Sharif leaned closer to the ground, staring unblinking at the crushed bushes and red-stained leaves. Karen, the other shapeshifter, dropped to all fours on the other side and took a long whiff.
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Short Hugh Snippet
Working hard this morning, so a small bribe instead of answering questions. “Darin, why don’t you go on and scout ahead,” Conrad said. “Make sure we don’t run into something.” Darin clicked his mouth shut and rode on. Conrad turned to Hugh. “I know what you’re doing. If the Lady wanted you to know, she’d
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Hugh snippet #3
Elara strode outside of the gate onto the top of the hill where the castle sat. Soldiers filed out of the forest, running three to a row. They wore black uniforms, some in armor, some without. Each carried a large backpack, a bedroll, and weapons. They moved in unison, their feet striking the ground at
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Hugh’s noncoms :)
Noncom stands for non commissioned officer. Basically, a sergeant. Read at your own risk. PS. We named the horse Bucky for you. 🙂 “Was that vampire from the People?” Sam asked. “Golden Legion,” Stoyan said. “Is that like the People?” “The necromancers who work for Roland call themselves the People,” Stoyan explained. “They call
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Exciting announcements!
Heh, you thought there was something good in this post. There is not. Okay, so maybe the little bit of excitement. Let’s take these one at a time. Erika Tsang liked Wildfire. She said she liked it a lot, especially the frying pan. The edits are coming back to us sometime later in the week,
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