Dear BDH, As you know, sometimes we use certain writers to help us illustrate our blog posts. It has been brought to our attention that they need to be named. We will start with the fan favorite: Working Writer Man, the one we all know and love. Yes, we are talking about you. What are
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To Cricut or to not Cricuit
I’ve been a bit brain dead. I have a crisis of writer confidence, which is a normal part of writer life, but dealing with it kind of sucks. I’ve noticed I’ve been zooming out more and sometimes I find myself watching random videos. Facebook, in its helpful AI way, has zeroed in on the type
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Kate’s Supernatural Creatures Quiz
Hi everyone, Mod R here. House Andrews, as you know, are hard at work on new projects (some of you have guessed which), and with a release approaching, I thought it was time for another quintessentially chernobogian quiz by yours truly. Disclaimer: You know I set tricky questions. l love you…but I’m also evil. It’s
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Dragon and Tuna
It’s a beautiful Monday. The grass is green, the birds are singing, the sun is shining and I have a finish. This hasn’t been washed or ironed so it’s as is, grimy and all. I tried to take more pictures, but it didn’t quite work out. There is no cross stitch. There is only Tuna.
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Random Book Updates and Too Much D&D.
No posts and now two posts in one day. Woo! Today is hopefully the last day of the roof construction. I misspoke in my previous post. We are actually on week 3, not week 2. My temper and nerves are frayed to the maximum capacity, so hopefully this will be coherent. Business Stuff Magic Clams
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Yarn Love: Expect the Unexpected
Gordon collects action figures. (Please don’t send him any. He already has pretty much everything.) When a new package arrives to the house, he almost always informs me that the purchase is a “preorder.” As in, it wasn’t a recent splurge, but something that was paid for long ago. I don’t care if it’s preorder
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Magic Bites Release on Graphic Audio
Hi everyone, Mod R here. The dramatized adaptation of Magic Bites was released today on the Graphic Audio website! It downloaded on my phone around 5 am this morning, just as I was preparing to go to bed (you can take the girl out of Transylvania, but not the vampire sleeping patterns out of the
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Magic Bites – Exclusive Graphic Audio Sample
Hi everyone, Mod R here. I bring you goodies, and not the fuzzy eight-legged type like Ilona did in the previous post hehe. As most of you know, after the huge success of their Innkeeper Chronicles releases, Graphic Audio are now working on full-cast adaptations of the Kate Daniels series. I’m excited to share with
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Cooking: Tips and Tricks
Do you have any cooking tips or tricks? I just have the usual home cook stuff. Let’s see. Um. Giving cooking advice is always slightly controversial. For example, I do not cook our pan-seared steaks in a bath of butter. One, we don’t need the extra calories and saturated fats and especially lactose; two, steak is
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Friday Tea and Coffee Grinders
A few days ago, Gordon said, “Look at these pretty cups.” I came to look, and indeed the cups were very pretty. That’s where it ended except that said cups now arrived in the mail and were presented to me by my husband as a surprise. I’m drinking Zhang Autumn Oolong from Verdant Tea, brewed
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Busy Week of Writing
We have a week of digging into writing up ahead. I’d decided to poke around the next chapter on Sunday and once I finished it, I realized that I had forgotten to do what I originally planned to do with it. Instead I got distracted by pretty monster descriptions. One drawback of working in a
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Crafting and Other Weirdness
What kind of crafting projects are you working on? Magic Claims, grumble, grumble, grumble. Things I have made recently: a sweater/T-shirt for Kid 2. I don’t have a picture of it finished, but it is. Here is in progress picture. I wanted a very simple pattern, like idiot proof, because my brain was very fried
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