One Fell Sweep has been out for less than a month. We don’t even know how many units have been sold yet. Will you please, please ease up on the Innkeeper IV emails? 🙂 We’re trying to finish Hidden Legacy 3 – in the final chapters now – and once we are done, you know
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On the Job of Writing, the Oddness Of.
This is what it’s like. The last 24 hours or so, most of it today. This post is meant for entertainment purposes only, and attempts to get into political fights will be squashed. Me: Hi, Grace? Grace: Yes? Me: Hey, so we’re having a slow moving chase down I-10 with a magical tiger. I know
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Houston People
Dear Houstonites, Do any of these roads have fun colloquial names? Addicks Satsuma Road, Barker Cypress Road, Greenhouse Road, North Fry Road, North Westgreen Road, and North Mason? The car chase is going along I-10 heading West and we need to make sure that we don’t say something like, “They crossed 99” and then get
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The Art of Deception by Stephanie Burgis
This is a short novella or a longish short story, depends on how you look at it. I read it this morning for fun an really enjoyed it. If you were looking for something similar to the Edge, this hits the target. Synopsis: Niko Hrabanic was once a famous swordsman. But after a scandal-laden departure
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Wildfire Cover Reveal
Audio of Magic Bites is Now on Sale
After a long wait, Magic Bites Audio is finally back on sale. We hope you’ll enjoy it. Amazon | Audible | iTunes We’re working on bringing Magic Burns on sale as well. For some odd reason, the recording we bought from Tantor has sound level issues, so we’re working on ironing those out. As soon as they
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Behold. Kate Daniels in France.
I love this so much. Gordon was floored. the first 5 books in KD series will be coming to France (some will be reissued) in 2017. Here is the Facebook announcement from the publisher.
My mother sat near Bug, Grandma Frida’s “knitting” on her lap. As I approached, she picked at it with a crochet hook and unraveled another tangled row. I paused by Grandma Frida and nodded at the metal carnage. “He was watching your date, and the walls started buckling. I needed some old frames scrapped, so
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Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
Thank you guys so much. This was an amazing year for us as authors, and a sometimes trying one as parents. We hope that everybody had a good year and that you all have a wonderful holiday, whichever one you choose to celebrate. This is our gift to you. Click the gift to see what’s
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Clean Sweep Available on CreateSpace
Clean Sweep, dead tree version, is now available on CreateSpace. It will soon pop up on Amazon as well. Before I link it, I wanted to make it absolutely clear what this edition is. It comes with the following warning: ***Notice: This is a special Collectors Edition, trade-paperback volume, which includes Black and White original
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Magic Bites: Special Edition is Out
Magic Bites: Special Edition is out today, available both in print and as an e-book. Table of Contents includes: Series FAQ Characters Factions Faction Quiz Curran Points of View, including the original to the edition POV in Fernando’s A Questionable Client, a prequel short story. Buy links: Amazon | Indiebound | B & N | Powell’s | iTunes If you have spent some time
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