Happy Monday! Thank you for all of your coffee grinder suggestions. I pulled the trigger on a more pricy conical grinder which should be great for drip coffee and will report on the results. I’d love to hear about HA’s cover design process. What determines whether you use one of your cover artists and whether
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Agent Query and Rejection Follow Up
I’m so glad that several of you found the previous post useful. After reading the latest article on writing, I would like your take on some specific areas in the querying letter process. I do have sales figures on my original book I published in 2003. The genre is Chinese Silk Embroidery, its ancient developmental
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Agent Queries and Rejections
Have you got any good hints for agent query letters, or how to find one? I’ve self-published eight books on Kindle, and with my new series (that isn’t self-published yet), I’d like to try traditional publishing, but all I’m getting are rejections. My self-published books get decent reviews, so I think my quality can’t be
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Signings and Pretty Books
Our power is back on! Muhahaha! And I have tea. My oolong obsession continues. Has Subterranean Press expressed interest in any more IA books? Will you have any more special collection pretty hardbacks at some point? We are delighted to announce that we have not one, but two projects coming for you. Innkeeper Collected edition
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Oh the Horror
I have been talking about what makes something a horror story elsewhere and considered IA stories as examples of stories with terrifying monsters, life threatening and intense scenarios, but they just are not horror. I’m trying to articulate why, and I would be interested in Ilona’s take. What makes something a horror story? Will Hugh’s
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The To Do List
Many updates on random books topics including print, audio, and most importantly status of Tuna.
Small Updates
This has been such a happy but also such a busy week. I was going to just ramble about life, but I actually have some small updates for you. For those of you who missed it, the Frinndays are returning after the holidays. Audio and things Some people accused Mod R of withholding important information
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Subscription to FriInnday
Spoiler: it’s still free.
Need a Graphic Artist
I have a budget of $1,000. I need some designs for the merchandise store to be printed on T-shirts, mugs, etc. Mostly quotes with Canva and Adobe stock graphics. Stuff like Ripper Cushions. Save me from myself. Familiarity with Canva and Photoshop Ability to put fonts together that do not look like I (3-year old
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Publishing Partners, Ebooks, DOJ Hearings, and All That Jazz
Penguin Random House and Simon and Schuster are trying to merge. The government is blocking it due to concerns of the new enormous publisher monopolizing the marketplace. We’ve received several questions about the particulars of the testimony, but the ones about this quote stand out: Is this a lie? Yes and no. Yes, a publisher
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Covers and Genre
A while ago we’ve done a Genre by Cover Quiz, where we showed you covers and had you guess the genre. I was looking on Amazon for unrelated reasons, trying to find something for Mod R, and stumbled on this. To be clear: THIS IS NOT A BOOK RECOMMENDATION. I have not read any of
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Self-publishing, HEB, and Rrrrromance
Mod R left me with a list of questions. But first, a funny. I was looking at a house for sale on Redfin the other day and saw this. How can you tell that a Texan is selling their house? Hehehehe. I tell you what, I missed HEB in Florida. The first time we went
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