Because the election is coming up and because we are buried in deadlines, we decided to pare down our social media. It’s a time suck. Gordon deactivated his Twitter account for the time being, and I’ve converted my account to only post blog post announcements some time ago. Our blog posts feed to Twitter and
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The Cool Aunt
Today is the day everyone gets access to The Cool Aunt, a very short bonus story of Connor and Nevada’s baby being born. The honor system didn’t work very well, so the next time we will likely do a password wall. But there were over 1,000 printed copies sold, so you guys really helped the
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Sunday at Home
In the middle of EMERALD BLAZE release, Gordon told me, “I booked a vacation.” I just sort of turned around and looked at him. COVID is going on, we are on a crushing deadline, we’d have to board seven animals… He said, “It’s a house on Santa Rosa beach. It has its own private access
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Flowers and Candy
Avon sent us beautiful flowers. The card reads: Not long ago, Jeaniene Frost also sent me flowers with a card for secret reasons. Here is what that card. Also someone sent us Russian candy. Thank you so much. The candy was delicious! Dear BDH, please do not send candy! We have no self-control. We mean
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Post-Release Brain
To give you an idea of what it’s like to write after the release week. For reasons of COVID and other factors, we have to finish Ryder as fast as possible, so I am not getting the few days off I needed. Here is how bad things are. Nick worried me. Years ago, before Nick
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Put Down That Cow
The good, the bad, and the ugly. The Bad: Please stop sharing Cool Aunt. It’s an exclusive reward. You’re putting us into a difficult position with readers and bookstores. The Good: We will be doing a zoom event today with Sonali Dev, Eloisa James, and Beverly Jenkins, whose series Blessings has just been picked up
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Happy Book Birthday
The EMERALD BLAZE is out today. We hope you’re enjoying the read. I’m going to be scarce this week, both because we have to make words happen and because all of the energy right now is going into the appearances. Boy, it’s hard on Zoom. Normally we can read the room a little bit, but
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EMERALD BLAZE: Promotional Post
One of my friends chided me for not promoting EMERALD BLAZE enough. Because you know, it’s not like it’s on the website’s front page and every third post talks about it. So here we go, a promotional post. We made book. Book good. Buy book and read book. Book, book. Woo. I am now whole
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330 bookplates signed and sent. 250 additional bookplates received and signed. Email with Pam (the publicist). Email with Pam. Email with Pam. Additional 200 bookplates with our own logo signed. Just how many print books did you order, people? Newsletter to publishing list sent. Potential editor for BLOOD HEIR contacted, fingers crossed. Map artist found
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Long Week, Factories, and Kids
A terribly busy week. We wrote Ryder on Monday and Tuesday, and then on Wednesday, after a discussion with Avon, a decision was made to write Arabella’s very short story bribe. By the way, thank you to all of the OB-GYN who responded. We got our two experts, but we deeply appreciate your help. We
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Bribes and OB-GYN
As you probably know, print book stores are seeing reduced business during this pandemic. A couple of them were very kind to host our tour, promote our release, and generally help us, so in an effort to support them, we are resorting to bribes. Here are the links to order signed* print books from the
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Dragons, Workshops, and the End of Ryder
ASU WORKSHOP We agreed to increase the size of the workshop to get everyone on the waiting list in. Please think of your questions carefully because time will be limited. 🙂 If you were waiting to sign up, run over, because there maybe slots left with the new larger class size. T-SHIRTS Awhile ago Jéssica,
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