Hi all, Mod R again. Don’t worry, House Andrews are fine, just deep in the writing cave for Sweep of the Heart, so I get to entertain and make a post about my favourite topic: food! Since the 2020s are determined to go down in history as The Roaring Whatthefucks, to borrow a Bug-ism, and
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Funniest BDH Theories- Part 2
Hi everyone, Mod R here. It’s time for part deux of the series where we go through the wildest theories I come across whilst reading BDH* comments. *Book Devouring Horde, the nickname given to Ilona Andrews readers Disclaimer: As previously in part 1, this is not in any way intended to be mean. I have
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But I Don’t Like It and Other Things
First things first, Sweep in Peace is out from Graphic Audio and their Orro is fantastic. “Bring your small demon!” To review a sample and order, click here. State of House Andrews: today is the day we finish the copy edit of Ruby Fever. We have one more beta read to read through, then we
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Muffins, Trucks, and Deleted Scenes
I meant to post this earlier, but I’m sleep deprived and behind my schedule. Last night Gordon had trouble falling asleep. Normally when that happens, he turns on TV, usually something like Ancient Aliens. We listen to the magic aliens who used a vimana to fly to Antarctica and build secret pyramids, and it puts
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My Name Is Ilona…
Hello, remember me? After the marathon of 60-hour weeks, Ruby Fever has been rewritten. I do not remember when was the last time we worked so hard. Mod R read a little bit of it and she sent me an emoticon of a kitty with hearts in the eyes, so it must not totally suck.
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We are still working on the edits. I am a ball of hate at the moment. Mod R: They want to know about pastilla. Me: The what? Mod R: Pastilla. Opinions, memories, recipes, do you eat it as a dessert or with tea as a snack, what is this magic etc? Do you make it?
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Surprise Bread
Two posts in one day. This one is time sensitive, since I am going to try again today when my groceries arrive. A few days ago, Gordon turned to me and said, “I bought a bread machine.” This is strange for many reasons, primarily because I’m the only one who makes bread and I didn’t
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Russian Tea
So many of you are curious about Russian tea habits. Here are some Russian tea traditions. Please keep in mind that Russia is a large country with many regional customs, so some traditions and methods will differ. As always, none of the links are affiliate links. We do not earn money if you buy a
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I’m Going to Watch This Movie So Hard
Romancing the Stone 2.0. Omg, I laughed so hard. Chaning’s hair. The hair! The cinch on the cover. :making incoherent noises: The… Not going to ruin the surprise, you will know when he shows up.
Mysterious things
Crafting Projects
What are you working on? You haven’t posted anything in a while.” Oh boy. So you remember the Problama? The law of Chateau Andrews state that if one child has gotten something as a parental gift, the other child shall receive an equivalent of the same type. So if one gets a handmade sweater, the
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Kinsmen Trivia Quiz
Will you ever write any more in the Kinsman universe? I love those books and read them like reward cookies/ treats at the end of particularly hard days. S I can take this one! I love delivering good news first thing in the morning 🤩. Fated Blades, the new novella in the Kinsmen series, is
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